Lost Product ID to Win98 SE! Anything I can do?


Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2002
I finally found my disk but I can't find the sticker with the product ID:( . Is this information on the disk somewhere or can I call Microsoft? Any help you guys can give would be great. And for anyone thinking I don't actually have the disk I posted a pic.

You can call Microsoft or if you have it installed, do this:
1.Start Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
2.Locate the following key in the registry:
3. Write down the value of the key.
4. Quit Registry Editor.
you prolly wouldn't have too much of a problem getting a key out of MS.

They aren't just going to give it to you but 98 is a pretty old product as of right now so they are probably going to realitively leanient on product keys.
Originally posted by BobSutan
Do you currently have it installed on any of your computers?
Unfortunately no. I bet MS won't give me a Product Key either. Its worth a try though.