Losing members...

Way to go. You're really folding up a storm. Thanks for joing the [H]orde.
6 done for me, with 7th and 8th on the way shortly.

I think around 6 of the machines at work that were folding have been turned off by mistake, which shall be fixed in due course :D
With 15Ghz, Abuse, you will quickly rise up in the rankings. But you gotta keep 'em folding 24/7...:)

Thats the only thing that may be a problem, some of the machines will be switched off by employees...

But alot of them won't be, so it should be alright.

Got another few to add this week :)
Originally posted by Abuse
Thats the only thing that may be a problem, some of the machines will be switched off by employees...

But alot of them won't be, so it should be alright.

Got another few to add this week :)

Glad to be able to contribute. :) I have about 4 ghz to add, the PIII dell is really slow. 3 days for a Genome WU, my other machiens turn out about 2 a day, maybe 3 for the 2500+ @ 2.26 ghz. :) I'll be working on another machine once I find 1) space 2) a hard drive for it 3) another LAN cable 4) the courage to ask to add it to my farm (in the entry way of my house :p, right next to the front door. ;)) My farm is remarkably quite for having 3 comptuers up. Since I got the SLK 800U for my main box, and I put a Dr. Thermal on my second box, and the Dell has a totally silent HSF, it's been bearable in this room. :D The next PIII will be 550 mhz (626 mhz if I can get it to fold stable at that speed). I might also get some PII machines up. Just broke 1000 points for the [H]orde today. ;) I wish I worked somewhere where I could have them setup boxen as well. D:
I lost my 1ghz laptop...............but am considering adding my old 700mhz box the cause
hehe thanks. I'm not as big as I used to be, but I'm back. about 7ghz for now. Hope for more later.
Well, that's 7 GHz more than we had before! It's good to see old faces back around here.
We have a similar problem over at Team OCAU when it comes to new recruit's comming onboard for a week or so, then leaving again. Because there isn't much glory in folding, it's just something you do for the cause.

We have little glory inside Team OCAU, with a folding award given out by a team leader, the great bollocks, it's a certificate of dedication. It get's awarded for things like exceptional output, exceptional deed's such as donating to our giveaway's we have and so on.

Still, when it comes down to it, it's about the cause. Altho sometimes it does take a little spicing up to keep motivated! That's a reason we have subteam shootout's and races to milestone's such as 100k. Check out the OCAU folding page at overclockers.com.au/folding for some more info.

I'm sure relic would know of it! ;)


Thanks for stopping by ToranaGuy. I think this just goes to show you that all teams have problems keeping people interested. With every membership drive, you gain a few that stick around for the long haul, but a good portion of the new people just fizzle out and lose interest. Hopefully both teams can keep building that strong core of people that are going to stick around.
It's not a problem stopping by the [H]ardForum. I read a fair bit on here, but post very little. I spend most of my posting time over on my native OCAU Forums, where i'm well respected, within the folding camp, and outside in the rest of the forum :D

We need to think of some new way's to keep peope motivated, or maybe when they say we can borg their boxen, we setup F@H as as service and hide it, so they forget they are folding. Then there isn't as much chance they will loose the will to keep folding and stop.

Cheers and fold on!

I just finished my eighth WU, 7 gromacs in a row. I just got a 400 Tinker.
No problems uploading finished WU's here.
Originally posted by zachary80
I lost my 1ghz laptop...............but am considering adding my old 700mhz box the cause

700mhz was successfully added yesterday
Some dont go away... They just stop posting.

I know it is very aggrevating to throw your spare pennys into a cause you truly believe in... Have your friends donate their older machines to you so you can continue your fight... only to find out that you need to keep spending money to fight... because they keep making the protein bigger and bigger until a 1.7 Intel P4 cant produce fast enough to make the money spent worth it.

I was gone because I went broke... I managed what I could and sold what I needed to feed my family... Now I'm back.

Sometimes I feel as helpless as the those that are sick because I cannot afford faster and faster computers because Stanford wants a bigger gromac. I read where the gromacs need to be back faster... I'm sure they understand that we are not really a endless resource with money to keep pouring into our boxen just to crank out points. But... If they want to keep people here, they have to realize that folding, as noble as it is, still costs us to do it. When we feel like we just cannot produce enough to justify the 5-10 bucks per box a month plus upgrades, folk will throw their hands up.

This is why I think alot of folks dont stick with it.
Originally posted by RedShred
Some dont go away... They just stop posting.

But... If they want to keep people here, they have to realize that folding, as noble as it is, still costs us to do it. When we feel like we just cannot produce enough to justify the 5-10 bucks per box a month plus upgrades, folk will throw their hands up.

This is why I think alot of folks dont stick with it.
Red - first of all nice to see another addict return.

If you remember - back in the dark ages - the point to folding was to use spare cycles.
VJ et. al. do not seem to care to much about the "dedicated folder". They have Google. The best we can do is look for others to fold. Get them to keep their systems folding - even g'noming - whenever they are on.
Spread the addiction.
Fold On!!