Looking for video compression software


Feb 9, 2001
Can someone recommend a good program for compressing avi files? I have a HUGE amount of uncompressed avi files that I’ve downloaded from our video camera but, of course, they are very very large files. I’d like to compress them substantially and need to find a good program to do it. I used MS Video Encoder 9 and it did a pretty nice job but it only does one file at a time and I have hundreds of files to do. I also tried Divx Converter which allows you to queue multiple files but I found it to be very unstable. It kept choking on files so I removed it. I don’t have a large amount of money to spend on this nor do I need all kinds of really fancy features. I’d like to retain a fairly high quality video while reducing the file size by 60-80% (which MS Video Encoder 9 did by the way).

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Dane R. Vinson
StaxRip or VirtualDub should do what your looking for. VirtualDub is more for editing, but both programs have a batch mode.

There's also MeGUI (I'm not sure if it can compress AVI filed though) and NeroRecode if you want to use H.264.