Looking for Software That Allows for Copy-Paste Templates


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 6, 2003
At my job, I need to paste a lot of the same information over and over throughout the day. It's a real pain to re-type it every time. I tried a notepad document that has what I need in it, but that has the problem of needing to highlight what I want and then copy-paste it into the target document.

I'm looking for something where I can set up some templates and simply paste a particular template into my current document. Preferably, I'd like one with a system try icon that I can right click on to get the templates I need.

Free is very much preferred here, but payware will also be considered.
Do you mean something like the Microsoft Office Clipboard, that allows you to save something like 25 text strings....but for all things, not just Office applications?
I need one for all applications, not just office applications. And I need one where I can set up and save templates for later use. I have found FlashPaste Lite so far, but it nags you to death to purchase FlashPaste Pro.