looking for a scp/ssh client that will open two remote directories at the same time


Oct 11, 2003
I'm playing around with winscp and it looks like I cannot open two remote directories together (I want the them shown side by side)
is there any other app I can try that will do this? Thanks

btw I'm using xp locally and these are linux remote servers
also I do NOT need to transfer files between the two servers, I just need to have them opened together so I can easily compare files on each
Just ssh into the server and use midnight commander. The default view in midnight commander is a side-by-side 2-paned view.

EDIT: I should clarify that you can display remote directories over ssh in the panes in mc. So when you're running mc on one server, you can have one pane show a local folder and the other pane show a remote folder on a different server.

Or just open multiple instances of winscp.