Looking for a large gaming mouse (Sidewinder?)

Jun 27, 2006
I am currently looking for a new gaming mouse - I use the MX510 now, but I need a new one since my other mouse died and I'm gonna move this to the old comp, and a new mouse for this comp. The most comfortable mouse I have ever used was the original Intellimouse Explorer (the one with the big back/forward buttons). It fit my hand perfectly. I have heard the Sidewinder is a pretty big mouse that's suitable for gaming - is this true? I've looked around and have yet to find a store that has it out for me to see how it fits my hand. Anybody that has used this mouse - do you think it would make a good mouse for someone with large hands? Are there other, more original-intellimouse-explorer-ish shaped mice out there that might be suitable for gaming?
MX518(i own one)
Logitech G9(its a little bit smaller)
Razer Lachesis(as a mx518 user and one that has layed his hands on the new Razer i can tell you the shape is nothing like the other Razer mice-its very very nice).
Hm, the MX518 is pretty similar to the one I have now I believe (MX510) and it's a little small. The Lachesis looks a little slim too. The G9 looks good, wide for my hand, but kind of stubby.

It doesn't seem like anybody makes big mice like the original Explorer anymore, though the Sidewinder looks like it might be an exception.
The G9 is wide but its a little bit shorter than the MX518.
The Lachesis is similar to the MX518 but has a rubbery texture on it(like the G5 new).