Looking for a go-to-guy...


Jan 28, 2002
I'm working on a business web-page atm -


My skills with css / html / photoshop used to be good, and they seem to have stuck enough to do what I want to get done - my problem lies in the unseen technical stuff that I want done, ie - php, javascript - web cart/checkout, etc.

I know theres a lot of free scripts out there - and I'm good at modifying them to fit my needs even if I don't know the language - but sometimes, I can't get em working (ie, mootools, I can't get it working, maybe I'm an idiot)

Is there anyone out there that would be willing to have some short MSN conversations / guidance for an exchange of funds via paypal?

Maybe if they already have some code written for stuff I need (ie, inventory, cart, etc, etc)..

[email protected] is my msn, I'd be willing to buy 20-100$ over time for small help or enough to get my started.

Wow.. this forums really turned to shit since the loss of General.. huh?
Wow.. this forums really turned to shit since the loss of General.. huh?

Not really...thing is, there are a couple of problems with what you've posted which I suspect are causing the lack of response...now, bear in mind that I'm not being confrontational here:

#1 - You haven't really asked a question, you're just looking for some sort of open-ended guidance from a developer of some sort. People don't like getting involved in stuff outside a forum unless it's got a clearly defined boundary.

#2 - Because you've left it so open-ended (and the likelihood is that whoever helps you is going to end up writing code anyway), even your upper-bound of $100 is a fairly paltry sum for most of the professional developers on here. Strange as it may seem, bringing that amount of money into the equation makes people less likely to help.

Many people here (myself included) have been burned by this sort of thing, where the money (however little) gets used as a carrot to extract ever more work and information out of the guy trying to help. My suggestion to you would be to either narrow the scope of your requirements to a few specific questions to begin with and simply post them as questions (people are usually happy to help), or offer to pay more for a developer to actually write some code for you.

As always, though, I'm open to the idea that I'm wrong ;)
Great response!

I appreciate your honesty, and trust me - I definitely know where you're coming from.

I've been the victim of the same thing for much computer troubleshooting, html / photoshop work, and now in my new hobby of nutrition / workouts.

I suppose you're right with the question - I'm a very fast learner and really I have no question except for how to get mootools to work properly. I have almost 0 javascript experience except of course the typical copy paste, but idk how you do that with mootools.

I just like some of it's features such as the fx.element mainly which I think would go nicely in one aspect of my site.

I understand how 25-100$ isn't a lot - but I also don't see how I would even take up more than 1-2 hours total of someones time (and not too mention, it's via msn - meaning they can multi-task while helping me through some stuff. 25-100$ is what fits into my budget atm, as I only have a limited funds for my entire project (most of it is going towards merchandise / product).

But, whatever.

Good day to you all, I'll figure things out - I've already decided to go read and work on some entry level javascript tutorials when I had some time.
Even though this isn't what you asked for, you'd probably get more luck by asking at least somewhat detailed questions.

Your mention of mootools for instance; what are you trying to achieve with it? There's a lot that can be done with it, and answers will be different based on whether you want a tool tip, or some custom animation, or something else!

People come to the forums for a reason, they want to give help, receive help, or just read stuff. So you're going to have a more difficult time finding people willing to 'venture' out of the forum. You might have better luck going to the sitepoint.com forums, or somewhere similar and asking for help of that nature.

Good luck!
www.rentacoder.com can always be a good way to look for help... a lot of guys there are available 24/7 and would definitely work within the budget that you've allowed.
Rock on guys, thank you much.

I fixed my problem with mootools - for some reason it just wasn't working, but it turned out to be a really lame reason (ie, loading the custom script before loading mootools).

That rentacoder site looks good and usable in the future.

I wish the [H] had a rep feature or something, you'd all get repped =)