Looking for a book for Windows Server 2003


Jul 17, 2001
Im trying to look for a good book to learn more about windows server 2003, do any of you have suggestions as to which i should buy?
I've read half of Minasi's 2k3 book. Amazon

This book is good if you already have expertise in 2k. Amazon
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Go to the nearest Border's and check out their stock. Spend a little time browsing through a few of the books to check out their style, level of descriptions, etc. Then you can get one you are comfortable with.
killerasp said:
is that meant to be a joke or is it really a good book?
It *IS* a good book, I also recommend it.

Another thing to keep in mind - Any book that is focused on "Server 2003" will cover the operating system itself in great detail, but none of these books go into very good depth on IIS, Exchange, Etc.

If you really want to master the entire server architecture I recommend buying not just a Server 2003 book but also one specifically for IIS and one for Exchange.
I like the Windows 2003 Server book by Mark Minasi as well. I've been a fan of his since I found his Windows NT 4.0 book back in the day....