Long-Range Wireless USB Adapter


Limp Gawd
Jan 3, 2009
There is a motel here that also has long-term RV areas. They're about 200ft away from the router. It's consumer grade because they're a very small business but a guy walked into the office today saying he couldn't get their wireless signal from his RV and he's gonna be there for a couple months. The motel won't want to spend money extending their signal for one guy, so I'm thinking pretty much his only option is a pretty poweful USB adapter with an external antenna.

I don't deal with them very often, are there any recommendations as far as models? He wants to keep price as low as possible. Anyone have some insight?
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something like a wireless card that you can replace the omni-directional antenna with a directional yagi antenna would work, but that's not going to save anyone any money...
What about one of the first two products on this page? There was another one recommended in a different thread that had a large antenna but I can't find it or remember the brand name.