Logitech G7 mouse NIB 7/2/12 4:45:15 PDT $0.99!

I'd get one for cheap but not over a G600 at this point. Still, one of the best mice I've ever used. The G500 and G700 are both not as well designed in some areas.
Good time to sell - I sold mine for $102 nib on Sunday. No idea why they are selling for so much, but I figured I'd go with the flow.
Oh the $102 was yours, cool. Yeah I saw the last two completed NIB winning bids went for a premium.

I've used a G7...must be 5 years or so? I love it and had this one as a backup. But I really want some more buttons for games. G700 looks cool but the battery life isn't so good I guess. I love being able to ninja swap batteries on the G7.
I think the G7 was better than the G700 on the side buttons, mouse shape, color, and battery design, but only if you can buy those batteries, as the G700 has the universal battery design.