Logging Guest Network Activity


Apr 13, 2004
So I've formed a pool of internet users between my side of a duplex (3 users) and the individual neighbors for a total of 5. Neighbor A runs his own wireless network off of my router while neighbor B uses our network.

Long story short I would like to setup an activity logging system to safeguard and shift any blame for inappropriate network activity to the actual responsible party. I'm running a DD-WRT version of Linksys WRT54GS Router. Is there a recommended method to accomplish this using DD-WRT?

Please advise guys, thank you!
There are a few ways you could do this, not sure of any that are built into ddwrt. I would suggest squid on a seperate box, or even pfsense with the squid and reporting packages installed. However, legally, you are the one responsible for the traffic as the owner of the internet connection, whether you have proof or not, the ISP will not care because you're not allowed to share the connection per their TOS. So if you just want to snoop... squid, if you're looking for something to protect yourself legally, don't bother.
I heard there was the case posted on the front cover here about a neighbor using the connection to broadcast child porn, what was the case there? It sounded like they were able to actually pinpoint the source rather than smash the connection holder.
not sure about that, and sure there may be exceptions, but generally - the owner of the connection will be held accountable so I wouldn't risk it.
I would assume a transparent squid with a TOS as mentioned would work best. Interested to see what you come up with.
Great ideas here guys, I may or may not continue to pursue this venture. I will have to decide on this.
Untangle would be a good way to log and enforce content restrictions on a public wifi connection. You couldn't pull it off with DD-WRT but if you have an old pc with a gig of ram and a 2ghz or better processor with 2 nics you could use Untangle as a bridge so you don't have to replace your router.
you think a dualp3 could handle the load? its server class hardware 1.5gb of ecc ram, sounds like it would be a great use for the project.