Live Messenger breaks IE7 in Vista?


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2001
Has anyone else had this experience? If you click on the link to your inbox on Live Messenger, when it opens IE7 in Vista, it breaks it. I can not longer use IE7. The program halts, gives a not responding error, and just sits there. No progress bar on the bottom, no web pages, nothing. Doesn't matter how many reboots I attempt, doesn't matter if I try last known good config, etc. It's broke. I can't install the xp version over it, either. Nor can I find anywhere the package for it. So it's dead, and all I can do is reload Vista.

Oh, and I tried a repair install, and it did not fix it. That's pretty nasty. It has happened twice now, on two different installs, so it seems to be repeatable.
live messenger and vista are working fine for me no problems, i know when i installed java for vista it broke ie7 and i had to disable it but there is another thread here that has a link to a beta java app that works with ie7 and vista.
I actually found a fix for it - you have to reset all of IE's settings in Control panel. Java hasn't broken it for me though...
