linux winxp question


Mar 24, 2004
Hey, me being the complete idiot that I am when it comes to Linux I decided to install it as a second operating system, the primary one being windows xp, will there be any speed problems if i install them on the same partition or should i cut the partition in half and put them each on their own. i'm running a 120GB WD 7200rpm 8mb cache ata100 drive
Thing is you can't install both OSs on the same partition. They each use a different file system. You're forced to partition your HD if you want to dual-boot them.
meh, i thought i could do something like i did on this once with windows 2k and windows xp on the same partition, not possible?
Not possible. The reason you could load Win2k and WinXP on the same partition is because you are using the same file system on both OSs (they both use NTFS). In the case of Linux, it's either Reiserfs, ext3, ext2, whichever you choose.
xfs is also a popular file system option.
i have heard it is good for large (ex. video/ multimedia) files
Hell, why not ask here?
Is there any chance of installing any Linux on an UFS (preferrably UFS2) partition?
Just checked the config options for 2.4.25. There's support for UFS, but right now it's only read-only. It might be better in 2.6...
Originally posted by ameoba
Just checked the config options for 2.4.25. There's support for UFS, but right now it's only read-only. It might be better in 2.6...

Right, thanks. Read-only is better than nothing :)
(UFS shouldn't be too hard to support, really, it's throughly documented and everyting related is BSD-licenced. )