Linux DHCP and DNS caching server


Dec 5, 2004
I have an old P3-866 that I want to make into a DHCP and caching DNS server. As I am on Comcast and their DNS server doesn't return DNS data near fast enough, I need to get some way of caching the DNS data into the house or my mom will keep complaining to me that "the internet is down again, Dan come fix it." I currently have a 180 day eval copy of Windows Server 2003 on a duron 600 running DHCP, DNS, and WINS and want to replace it due to Windows 2003 coming up on it's expiration. I'll have to rebuild the Duron with Windows 2003 unless I can find a more permanent solution. I'd rather not spend $600 on a full copy of Windows 2003, but Linux has been very troublesome for setting that up. I've tried out Fedora core3, but I haven't been able to find and install a DHCP server, nor set up the DNS server for caching the info. Windows has performed flawlessly so far, but the expense or the 6 month rebuild is not the way I want to keep going.

I guess after all that, to put it shortly, how can I set up a Linux box to perform as well as my current Windows box with the same functions?
This is actually very easy.

CentOS is your friend. Nab a copy of 4.1 and install that. Choose to install dns-namecaching and the dchpd server.

The hardest part will be configuring the dhcpd server, so when you get to that point, let us know and we can help you with that.

After that, you never need to touch the box again.

Believe me, after the countless linux installs that do exactly this, I have to say linux is the tool for this job.
Actually configuring dhpcd is pretty easy(it was for me, at least). There is usually an example config installed with dhcpd that you can work off of. For DNS caching, I've used dnsmasq in the past. I believe dnsmasq might even have a builtin dhcp server(though I'd still use dhcpd anyway). I think dnsmasq will also read the hosts file on the computer it is running on and will resolve those names, so any computer using the dnsmasq box as a dns server will be able to resolve local machines through dns rather than a local hosts file.
Yeah, I had to learn and hand write a dhcpd file on my own the first time ( back in ye 'olden days ).

Damn kids and their sample configuration files. :D
XOR != OR said:
Yeah, I had to learn and hand write a dhcpd file on my own the first time ( back in ye 'olden days ).

Damn kids and their sample configuration files. :D

In assembly no less right?
cool, thanks all, I'll look into those this weekend. Unfortunately, I haven't had any time the past couple days to do much more than work and breathe. I haven't even been able to check for replies until today.