Linksys BEFW11S4 Multiple server


Limp Gawd
Feb 5, 2005
Is it possible to bypass the linksys firewall for more than 2 servers? I'm runing 2 servers from my house with a linksys BEFW11S4 and i need to allow 2 (or more) servers to be accessible from the outside. I can do it with 2 with one forwarded, and one in the dmz but i need to set up a third.
Go from that linksys box (assuming a router) to another routers WAN port, turn off the firewall on the seccond router, set the firsts DMZ IP to that seccons WAN IP.

Should work
what type of servers are these? web server? game server?

If they are just web servers, you could just add host headers to the site and run multiple sites from the same machine.

Otherwise, you could try using ISA server to simply publish the servers out to the WAN