Lights in your case


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
do you leave the lights in your case on at all times? Are there any problems that could occur from leaving them on 24/7? thanks
Originally posted by NooNe
do you leave the lights in your case on at all times? Are there any problems that could occur from leaving them on 24/7? thanks

If they are CCFLs then they will begin to get dimmer and dimmer and eventually burnout. I have heard this but I have not had mine long enough to see this happen. I leave mine on all the time.
Yeah they will. It's REALLY easy to hook up a switch -- a good looking one or a very simple 20 cent radio shack job. Your lights will last a lot longer. Although I was told Sunbeam brand was the best, these Vantec lights I picked up at Fry's (2 12" on a single inverter for $14) are very bright and well made.

If you buy a cheap light, it will not last long. I had one burn out on me after a month. The sunbeam has lasted almost a year. My 4 inch (for the inside door of my Antec case), looks brand new.
i leave mine on all the time. i have had my UV-CCFL's burn out on me after about 6 months. all my others (blue & green CCFL's) are much older and still going bright and strong.
When its daytime, the lights are turned off, no point in having them on. Only when its dark out.
Originally posted by Format _C:
I turn mine off for the sake as I sleep in the same room as the computer:D

lol same here, I curse the lousy LED fans for being *cheaper* than plain black ones! Those are some lights I can't turn off :/
Originally posted by Spewn
lol same here, I curse the lousy LED fans for being *cheaper* than plain black ones! Those are some lights I can't turn off :/

I know exactly how you feel man! :(
I have two cathodes, one blue and one red. i have a dual inverter, and i dremeled a hole in a 5.25 bay and mounted the cathode switch on it. so when its time to sleep, i just hit the switch and instantly its dark. except for my rheobus and led fans...
The lights in my server have been on for 4.5 months 24/7 and still light the store with an eerie blue glow at night. They're bigfootcomputers house brand.

The rest of my cathodes are el cheapo ones that came free with $50 cases, one of them burnt out in the first week but the other nine still look the same as they used to. They run about 12 hours a day average.
Originally posted by Format _C:
I turn mine off for the sake as I sleep in the same room as the computer:D

Thats exactly why my daughter leaves hers on 24/7. She says its "Like a beautiful red nightlight".


There goes my electric bill.