LG l246wp-bn at frys, 500

I really like it, but then I also got it for half the price. It basically all comes down to what is more important to you: panel quality (DS IPS > LG P-MVA) and size (DS 26" > LG 24") vs versatility (LG can pivot, swivel, and tilt) and of course price (LG > DS). Inputs are a wash IMHO; sure, the LG has component, but it only has a single digital input, the HDMI port. So to connect your computer and a PS3, for example, would require either connecting the PS3 analog through component or going through a HDMI switch; I'd probably do the latter as I'm not too impressed with its analog input quality, albeit having tried it through VGA and not component. In the end it all comes down to what's most important to you.