LG L245/6 or Dell 2407WFP-HC?

Which 24" LCD?

  • LG L245/L246

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Dell 2407WFP-HC

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Other(see below)

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Feb 2, 2007
Argh, can't seem to find exactly what I want in a 24" LCD monitor. I think I have it narrowed down to those two. I've seen the LG in-store and just by looking at what I can with the display loop the stores run it looks like the better of all the retail ones I saw there in 24". Not being able to see the dell screen in person (especially side by side with the LG) sure makes choosing harder!

Curious as to what you guys have to say about each: pros/cons

I will be using the monitor for Internet/Text, gaming (non-fps games mostly), and movies/TV in that order of frequency of use (All run off the computer, so I don't really care much about the extra inputs)

Aspect scaling quality is somewhat important to me. (Although I do have an OC'd 8800GTX (non-SLI) it seems some of the newest game stress the card enough at the lower resolution already, that I can see a need for it should I not want to keep buying the latest and greatest video card all the time just to keep up.) (Does nVidia have an options in the drivers that will do this for you anyways? I thought I heard about it somewhere, but I'm in the CRT world still, so I don't know if it is hidden or what)

Other suggestions in that price range (<$700) I could entertain I guess...
These are exactly the two monitors I'm considering. I picked up the LG at BestBuy last weekend, but not sure I'm going to keep it.

I tried the LG because it appears to have less input lag than the Dell (at least the Dell 2407WFP--haven't seen any quantitative input lag test of the HC yet). For example, see http://www.bexox.com/showdown.htm for a 3-way comparison between the LG, the non-HC Dell, and the BenQ 24 inchers.

Anyway, the LG looks and feels great in FPS games like CSS. The only negative is that the text is a little fuzzy compared to some other 24" monitors I've seen. It's not dramatic--you may not even notice it if you don't have something to compare to, but the black on white text is just not as sharp and precise as say the Samsung 244T.

So I may switch to the Dell depending on what the input lag findings are on the WC.
These are exactly the two monitors I'm considering. I picked up the LG at BestBuy last weekend, but not sure I'm going to keep it.

I tried the LG because it appears to have less input lag than the Dell (at least the Dell 2407WFP--haven't seen any quantitative input lag test of the HC yet). For example, see http://www.bexox.com/showdown.htm for a 3-way comparison between the LG, the non-HC Dell, and the BenQ 24 inchers.

Anyway, the LG looks and feels great in FPS games like CSS. The only negative is that the text is a little fuzzy compared to some other 24" monitors I've seen. It's not dramatic--you may not even notice it if you don't have something to compare to, but the black on white text is just not as sharp and precise as say the Samsung 244T.

So I may switch to the Dell depending on what the input lag findings are on the WC.

if you have an ATI video card try upgrading your drivers, also if you are using clear type? clear type looks very bad on the LG monitor.
I have Nvdia Geforce 8800 GTS with the latest Forceware drivers. I do NOT use cleartype--that's basically a font antialiaser that smooths not sharpens the text.

I hooked the same computer/viideo card up to a Samsung 244T and got sharper text out of that (what I normally expect from LCDs). The LG's text is acceptable, but not super-sharp like some other LCDs.
Went with LG as posted in the LG thread. Great panel, very satisfied so far. (Would have loved an IPS panel, but not for 400-700 dollars more) Text is plenty sharp for me, coming from the CRT world. ESPECIALLY from my dieing monitor (I could BARELY read text for 3 months because the picture would shake, lol)

The problems I was worried about going from CRT to LCD, while there, are less than what I was expecting (I think people exaggerate a little too much).

With no back light bleed to speak of (obviously there has to be some, otherwise contrast ratios would be huge, but the corners are devoid of any extra light shining through) and no dead pixels, it's a keeper.

Dell sure made the decision hard with the release of their wide-gamut display, but I had to go with the safer purchase in the end. It does it's job good enough until noticeably better displays come along.