latest windows update killed my computer - anyone else?


Limp Gawd
Feb 15, 2004
The latest windows update patches killed my computer. It doesn't even get to the boot logo after the update, and "logged" option in the F8 boot menu doesn't get a chance to even create the boot log file.

The patches installed were:
Root Certificates

I'm running an A64 X2 4400 on an NForce3 mobo, and windows was nice and stable before this update. I booted a linux live cd to make sure it wasn't a hardware problem, so it's definately something in the update. The first update (KB929338) replaces the NT kernel so I suspect that the very first file that windows tries to load is either corrupted or doesn't work with my hardware configuration. Pretty nasty bug... I can't even boot into safe mode or get at my restore points. The system locks up completely as soon as it starts booting.

Anyone else have problems with this patch cycle?
After the last time I did "Install Updates" I have noticed that even just running a web browser and email has become unstable and slow.

The update nuked mine as well.
I can get in to Safemode at least, but seems any deleting of updates, roll back, system restores, etc... don't do a damn bit of good.

At least I can get into Safemode and dump everything on to an external hard drive and reinstall.... :rolleyes:
Ummm...would this be XP, Vista, etc? What version of Windows are you running?
Anything common between your systems such as tweaks? modifications? disabled services? 3rd party software?

Honestly if you want answers you need to provide a hell of a lot more information that you've given so far.
System in my Sig.
XP Pro SP 2, all available updates.

Seems like the update was focused on Media Player 11, at least thats what the event logs said. So maybe it's something with WMP11 and the XFi Plat Card? Who knows.
Beyond that, no real tweaks or anything out of the ordinary.
Lots of development software:
CS2 Creative Suite, Dreamweaver, Flash, MS. Office 2k3.. etc...
Few games... Nothing too odd.

No idea, but I've disabled Automatic Updates entirely, deleted every piece of software I don't use, removed WMP11, disabled all start up services that aren't essential to the computers function. And even after all of that, I was only able to get my system back up and running by picking a restore point from over a week ago. *shrug*

Since I typically leave my computer running 24/7 who knows what it was that caused the problem. It could have been sitting in there waiting for a week for the computer to finally restart.

Hope anybody else with the issue gets theirs figured out.
I just installed the updates yesterday and I don't seem to notice a difference on my PC.
Ummm...would this be XP, Vista, etc? What version of Windows are you running?

Yeah, this is a good question and I was wondering that too but I can say I have had no problems either way because both my computers are running fine.
I'm running just fine on my build in my sig...

I have heard of folks with the nforce3 having various issues on these forums though with vista. IE no vista drivers.
Same thing happened to me. Im not sure what the heck is goign on. I ran some WPM SDK update, and the statandard Malicous software removal feature they always include and now my desktop icons are all screwed up. The image for each icon has been removed and it just show's some random file. Anyone have any ideas what could be wrong. I have tried system restore and nothing seems to work.

Windows XP Pro SP2
Every pc in my house is running xp except for mine. They all had that problem among others also. I'm running vista and it perfect faster then ever no problems lots stabler too.
If thats the case, then they've been trying to get us to switch for years. My general rule of thumb is to turn OFF automatic updates and manually install only the updates that are at least a month old.
i have an old p3 gateway 550 w/xp home sp2. just got sp2 installed few days ago and had trouble with that but this morning had the automatic updates turned on and clicked install because it kept bugging me. restarted computer and after the xp boot screen got bsod saying bad pool caller. tried a few things all futile. then could get into safe mode but nothing helped. finally restarted the comp two more times and it finally came up. running fine now but there is another update in the task bar unwilling to install it. just thought i would let you all know.
This is easy get tweakui for xp and run the icon repair tool.

Thank you so much :D It took me a bit to figure out how to get Tweak UI to work but once i RTFM it worked perfectly. Any ideas why a window's update would cause my icons on the desktop and start menu to freak out like that?
Happened to me too! System became unresponsive during shutdown. I hope they address this problem.