laptop wireless issues


Limp Gawd
Apr 3, 2007
I'm going to a co-worker's house tonight to try to get a laptop to connect to their home wireless connection. They bought a couple laptops at around the same time. One (the son's) laptop connects to the wireless with no problem. The other (the wife's) doesn't connect wirelessly but connects when wired. He brought the one that isn't connecting to work one day to see if we could get it to connect to our wireless. It did, with no problem. I am just looking for brainstorming ideas on what to try to fix when I get there. Thanks for any and all help!
i'd delete the current wireless client settings for that computer and redo it from scratch.

itf it's a wep.... which it shouldn't be..... check to see if the router is configured for open or shared authentication.... that's a simple resolve to that usually.

what kind of laptop, wireless card, router.. OS.... when you get the details, it could help to figure it all out.