Lame Wireless Networking Question

Jan 14, 2004
Ok I have a stupid question but please bear with me. You know how there are crossover cables for cable networks? You don't need a hub or router or anything. Can wireless adapters do the same thing? Wireless adapter to wireless adapter? I don't have any access points or routers on hand (dorm). If this cna be done, how? Haha please don't laugh at my stupidity.
Yes, the config you need to look for is "Ad-Hoc" mode. Set both wireless cards to ad-hoc and pick some simple common settings to get them to see each other. This will act just like a crossover cable.

the question is only lame if you didnt ask it.... ;)
Make sure the SSID is the same and they are on the same channel. Ad Hoc will be a setting on the NIC's properties page, or perhaps if you are using a proprietary utility it would be changed there.
Thanks for answering my question. I found a guide online to make an ad hoc network. However, I am having some problems. I basically set it up with the properties in the wireless connection icon under my network places. The other computer can see and connect to my ad hoc network, but from then on I am totally stumped. Their computer doesn't appear in my network places. They are in the same workgroup, mshome. I try setting a static ip for their side but when I ping them I get a time out. All I did to create this network was to add a peer-to-peer/ad-hoc network in the wireless network thingy, made up a ssid and key, turned on wep, and left it on for the other computer to connect. It prompted me for a key on the other computer and I typed it in and it is now "connected", but I can't do anything or know how to do anything. Someone help me please.
set ICS?

simple to the point...

EDIT: try it without firewall.
I don't really need ICS. I just need a temporarily network between my computer and my roomate's computer in the dorm. We both have the T1 connection connected to the ethernet but want a direct connection for gaming and tranferring files and such.