KMV Switch problems

Go into the machine's BIOS and disable the keyboard boot error (set to "boot on all errors"). It shoudl probably be fine at that point.
lomn75 said:
Go into the machine's BIOS and disable the keyboard boot error (set to "boot on all errors"). It shoudl probably be fine at that point.
tried that, It's mostly problems with the mouse.
In that case, then, I think you're on the right track blaming the KVM, it's probably not advanced enough to tell the machine that a PS2 mouse is still connected.

I don't remember the exact term that designates this property, but I think a good rule of thumb would be "doesn't use a physical knob to switch machines"

//edit: as an aside, I really like my USB switch (IOGear MiniView). Fewer cables crowded behind it, plus it doubles as a four-port hub. Just a thought.
And i bet that if you go into the event viewer of those machines, there is going to be a 'mouse ring buffer overflow' ?
Happens on cheap KVM's that don't support the ps/2 'keepalive'
You second link looks much better
Thanks, I wish I would have known this earlier. I really like the KVM that lomn75 suggested becouse it comes with cables, too bad I already bought them :( . Oh well...
A friend of mine has this one and is pretty happy with it. I haven't used it personally, but it seems to be a decent unit.

Myself, I have this Belkin one that I picked up during one of those 50% off everything sales at

I bought it specifically because it can do both PS/2 and USB (which I needed cause my old dually won't even post without a PS/2 keyboard connected). Thus far I haven't had a single problem with it.

I think the only downside is the cost, especially since it doesn't come with cables, but aside from that, it's definately a great KVM.
animeguru said:
it can do both PS/2 and USB (which I needed cause my old dually won't even post without a PS/2 keyboard connected)
That thing must be ancient; my BP6 does fine with a USB one.
lomn75 said:
That thing must be ancient; my BP6 does fine with a USB one.

Well, not terribly ancient... but old enough. It's an Intel L440GX+. Runs dual P3 550s... but just won't post without a PS/2 keyboard connected, no matter what the BIOS settings. Oh well, not exactly a big problem... especially since it was free. ;)