Kill Me Now......Can They Really Be This Stupid?

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Mar 29, 2003
I'm in lit class right now. I'm in 10th grade. And guess what were doing? LEarning about how to read web address and how to search. The person teaching us has absofuckingloutley no idea what she is doing.

Excuse the spelling, the backspace key on this keyboard is where the SPACEBAR should be. WTF?

1. She said html and htm can only be made on macs, so if you see that you know it wasnt on a windows computer
2. IF it is not an edu or .gov website, it is not trustworthy. She told me to stop disrubting the class when i asked about and
3. Print sources are always more reliable because you know what date is was published. got in trouble when I mentioned the national star tabloid vs.
4. said that http:// means that you cannot go to it on a mac computer
5. said that you 100% have to type www even though i demonstrated that you didnt. She said that it brings you to a fake site if you dont type in the whole http://www. deal
6. She still doesnt know im posting and ive been typing on the loudest keyboard ever while the class is silent
7. I'm on a 75mhz machin with 16mb memory. How the hell is it running win2000? When i complained about how slow they are she said "why don't you make better ones". I said ok, she said that it was impossible and that she was just making a point.
8. It takes so long to log on that we log on, go in the library for discussion, then go back into the computer lab
9. THe machine softlocks if you try to run 3 iexplorer windows at once. This has nothing to do with the teacher, just thought I'd share that. It runs out of memory.
10. She said that google is not allowed to be used, we have to use the schools online database because it is mosre reliable. The "online database" is a webpage catalouging our microfiche.

I can't take it anymore. I think I'm going to cry. Actually, I'm going to get kicked out. Much more fun. LAter.
quite the rant, but not really "on topic"

if I let this slide here, soon we'll be overun :p
there is General Mayhem ;)
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