Keylogger/screencap utility?

Mar 13, 2007
I'm not sure if this should be here or in Network & Security, but here goes. I had one of the graduate students ask me about this in regards to keeping tabs on what his kids are doing online. He was looking for keylogger software, but I also suggested screencap type monitoring. Does anybody have a recommendation, or use anything they really dig?

His specific question was for the Mac, but nuts to him. I've been approached about this before and want some good PC versions to recommend if anyone asks.
I think this "topic" has been covered here in the past and, from what I remember, it almost always ends badly... meaning more often than not people looking for such utilities or software end up using them for purposes not originally stated, but whatever. A Google search for keylogger turns up many hits, obviously, I don't know of any "name brand" keyloggers because the software itself is questionable to begin with, that's the problem. I'd say if a parent is that concerned with what their children are doing on a computer, perhaps the parent should spend more time actually watching the child on the computer instead of putting their faith in something like a monitoring utility. But that's just me...

Besides, in the past when I've made recommendations for such software, in the long run the children - smart little folk they are - always discovered the monitoring apps/software and also found out how to simply bypass or outright disable 'em... ;)