Keyboard keep-alive program ?


Jul 26, 2004
I'm running XP-Pro on a PC that my employer provides. I work from home. The computer requires that a Windows password be input every 5 minutes in there's no keyboard activity. This might be necessary while at a workplace with people milling about, but is un-necessary at home. The IS dept. can't/won't disable this "feature".

Is there a proggie out there that can can send an innnocuous character every x minutes to keep this annoying windows PW screen from popping up ? I do have admin rights so I can install proggies. I tried one of thos AOL keep-alive proggies that are used to keep the aol internet connection up, but it didn't solve the problem.

im not sure if what you're talking about is a 3rd party software that locks the computer, but if its just windows locking up after its been "idle" then you can change it by right clicking, 'properties', screen saver tab, then uncheck the box that says to resume password protected, or you can increase the time before the computer locks down.

hopefully this is what you needed.

Thanks for the response, but that option is greyed-out. My company's IT dept. suggested the only work around would be a 3rd-party proggie that keeps the kybd or mouse "active" to prevent it from entering standby and then demanding my password. They agree it's a pain for a home-based user but can't fix it for me as all pc's are built from the same s/w and thus are not changeable.

So does anyone know of a little shareware proggie that'll do that 4 me ?

You do realize that anything you are working in at the time will pick up the character that is typed. You need to find a key that doesn't have any effect in ALL of your applications. Might be tricky....

The following code will press Scroll lock every 4 minutes. Put it in a text file and save it with an extension of ".vbs". Just double click it to run. To end it, log off or end task on "wscript.exe" in task manager.

I ran it with a three second delay and didn't have any issues with typing this message. May work for you.

'This code presses scroll lock every 4 minutes(240000 milliseconds)
Set oShell=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

sub loopit
oShell.Sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
wscript.sleep 240000
end sub