Just whiped/reinstalled windwos, cant connect to internet


Limp Gawd
Jan 5, 2004
Install went smoothly. Now running xp SP1 on an A8N- SLI Deluxe (asus).

When I go to cmd > ipconfig all it says is "Windows IP Configuration"... thats it!

I tried to install modem drivers but it said it wouldnt install to my processor type (I'm 75 percent sure I downloaded the 64 bit driver)

so I'm not sure whats going on, help?
^^ what exactly am I looking for?

I see 2 network adapters, 1394 #1 and 2
I see IEEE 1394 bus host controllser (firewire?)
I see a bunch of sh1t under system devices
I see under "Other Devices" > eithernet controller (whcih has a yellow question mark next to it, along with "other devices"
You need the drivers for your network card. You can get them from your motherboard CD or from the ASUS website.

You should get drivers installed for anything listed as an "unknown" device.
Use this site and look up your motherboard and download the 32bit drivers for the Marvell Yukon. Also, go to the Nvidia download site and select Platform /nforce drivers, then select Nforce 4 AMD series, and then select the appropriate OS. This should install both of the onboard NICs.

I'm 75 percent sure I downloaded the 64 bit driver
You said that you're running xp SP1. Is this the 64bit or 32bit version, because it could be either.
underdone said:
Use this site and look up your motherboard and download the 32bit drivers for the Marvell Yukon. Also, go to the Nvidia download site and select Platform /nforce drivers, then select Nforce 4 AMD series, and then select the appropriate OS. This should install both of the onboard NICs.

You said that you're running xp SP1. Is this the 64bit or 32bit version, because it could be either.

I'm running 32 bit version Windows and a 64 bit proc.

I don't see, on the first link, a windows xp download for lan drivers in 32 bit version
Jitsu said:
I'm running 32 bit version Windows and a 64 bit proc
You have to be running a 64bit os and processor to need the 64bit drivers. Since you're running the 32bit you need the 32bit drivers.

And since Asus isn't hosting the drivers try this