Just ordered a Gainward 7800GS Bliss512mb - mistake?


Limp Gawd
Nov 12, 2004
Hey Guys,

I am just upgrading one of my old AGP systems so that my 5 year old can play her games. It did have a 6600GT in it, but I saw all the hype about the Gainward 7800GS Bliss 512Mb and thought WTH and ordered it.

I have 1 day to cancel the order, please advise..

The rig is an amd 3000+ a mobo 2g ddr400, and currently a 6600GT.

I take it my little darlin will notice an improvement in her NFSMW?

Heres the link if ya want to buy one, they had 43 in stock when I ordered, 1000 limited edition.

Hell yeah, the 7800GS is a nice card by any means but I believe the Gainward ships with 20 pipes enabled which is even sweeter.

I've done a few upgrades for clients lately using the 7800GS. You know how some people are about refusing to upgrade their mobos and CPUs and the 7800GS is a godsend for them. It makes a huge difference even over say something like the 6800GT.

NFS:MW is a pretty demanding game but this card will probably chew up NFS:MW and ask for more. :)

The only concern is that you have a decent PSU in that rig, since the 7800GS is basically an AGP version of the 7800GT. Just like it's PCI-E brother that G70 core needs some juice to work.
Thanks for the quick reply, was stalking the thread lol :p

Yeah she has a 400w PSU and it had previously run just about everything in AGP including a 6800Ultra I had on loan so I assume it will handle it.

I had wanted to upgrade this rig for a while as she is quite an avid gamer even at her age, and she keeps her rig tidy as well, even defragging the Hard drive and playing on line.

NFS:MW only let her run at 1024*768 with most details down quite low and chugged a bit with lots of effects going on. So it's nice to know she can play her games at a good level for a whilw to come.

She has even asked for me to build her an opty PCIe rig, SLI.. the girl has style lol.

Just one more thing... will the DVD playback be better on this card, it was a bit crap on her 6600gt?

DVD will look really nice on the card, but I can't imagine even a 6000 level card having problems with dvd decoding... I have to comment, "She even asked me to build her an opty pcie rig". Oh My God. When I have a child I hope to god that they ask me that one day too :eek:. The fact that Nvidia cripples their cards, not allowing a free release of their new video decoder to take advantage of DVDs (Pure video? True video? I can't remember) would lead me to *find* a *legal* copy of it *somewhere* on the internet. :D

Hehe, I remember the big roadblock for me, at five, was installing applications correctly on my 68k Macintosh. :rolleyes:
I'm not positive but the 7800GS is the G70 core and by all rights it should feature PureVideo. Granted nVidia doesn't include the PureVideo DVD decoder with the card in most cases, rather you have to buy it off their site (they have to pay licensing fees to Dolby or the movie studios or some such crap).

The price ranges from $20 to $50 depending on what level of audio you want to be able to use. $20 for your basic 2.1 digital audio, $40 for 5.1, $50 for DTS if I recall correctly.

I can definately say that as an aavid movie watcher PureVideo is pretty damn awesome for DVDs. The difference is like night and day between software DVD playback and nVidia's PureVideo hardware processing. :drool:

[Fake edit: PureVideo is enabled free for MPEG and Quicktime content, you just have to pay for a license if you want to use it for DVDs]
The Gainward 7800GS Bliss 512MB is a full 7800GT G70 core, with all the pipes, purevideo ect. funtioncs of a PCI-E 7800GT.
It's not "crippled" like all other AGP 7800GS.

Terra - And yes, NFSMW does like this card ;)
Yeah, the only reason I can think of NOT to buy this card for your application is to wait a little for the Bliss+, with its 7900GT 24-pipe core(!)

Man, I wish Gainward would get these babies into the US--I know they pulled back because of the competition, but these stealth high-end AGP products are one area where they have NO competition--they would clean up!!!
Your 5 year old daughter has that box? that's just crazy! That's more powerful than my parents PC!
Firelord said:
Your 5 year old daughter has that box? that's just crazy! That's more powerful than my parents PC!
Yeah she loves to surf the net and play games... not always too successfully, and she is struggling a bit with Oblivion but she has fun all the same. She only plays on rainy days though, otherwise she is outside.

And yeah I considered the 7800+ which is a 7900GT but the cost of £350 was way too much, this one cost me £250 and that is more than enough.. ahh the joys of redundancy money, and a 3 week holiday thrown in as well :)
It's amazing how smart kids are these days...

My niece absolutely LOVES the original NFS:U. It just barely runs on their Radeon 9250 but she loves it.

"I wanna play Car Racing, Jason!" :D
Blue Falcon said:
It's amazing how smart kids are these days...

My niece absolutely LOVES the original NFS:U. It just barely runs on their Radeon 9250 but she loves it.

"I wanna play Car Racing, Jason!" :D

One of my kidbrthers cried as they got a tour of the shoocl just before he should start in school.
The reason.
They left the computer room without having played with the PC's :D

Terra - They are growing up with the stuff that we didn't have...good for them :)
It's a nice card, I think it should handle most games reasonable well, will still struggle with Oblivion though.
sculelos said:
It's a nice card, I think it should handle most games reasonable well, will still struggle with Oblivion though.

In fairness it problerly will...
But then again, as a LONG time RPG'er, I would never play RPG on any PC/Console.
Way to limited....
A big stack of multi-sided dices, paper and your imagination will blow any electronical RPG out of the water ;)

Terra - Been roleplaying since I was 14..am 30 today :)
PCBliss said:
any links to US retailers selling this card

Gainward dosn't sell cards in the US.
You have to order it from the outside of the US.
For once the roles are reversed...

Terra - And I think it's a nice change for once :p
Terra said:
Terra - Been roleplaying since I was 14..am 30 today :)

Happy birthday buddy. Just reached this milestone myself and it isn't all bad.

The best thing about this card is that it has helped me re-discover the joy of PCs. Never been so excited about a part.. And it also annoys the people who claim AGP is dead, as a mainstream product it has been replaced for sure but it will toddle along quite nicely for a while yet. Don't forget that DX10 will be available for AGP, hell probably PCI too.

Anyway it arrives Tues 02-05-06, and the nipper is excited..........

...... me too shhhhhh!!!
BlastRadius said:
Happy birthday buddy. Just reached this milestone myself and it isn't all bad.

The best thing about this card is that it has helped me re-discover the joy of PCs. Never been so excited about a part.. And it also annoys the people who claim AGP is dead, as a mainstream product it has been replaced for sure but it will toddle along quite nicely for a while yet. Don't forget that DX10 will be available for AGP, hell probably PCI too.

Anyway it arrives Tues 02-05-06, and the nipper is excited..........

...... me too shhhhhh!!!

Oh..it wasn't my birhtday, perhaps I was a bit to vauge ;)
But yeah, it's been a long time since I too where excited about a card...

Terra - But this one got me all hyped up again ;)
Anyone know of a uk site that will ship to usa?

BlastRadius, having problems with contacting the ebuyer, can you ask if they will ship to the usa? Thanks. :)
Steven301 said:
Anyone know of a uk site that will ship to usa?

BlastRadius, having problems with contacting the ebuyer, can you ask if they will ship to the usa? Thanks. :)

I think AMD_Fan got his from overclockers.co.uk
But they had poor feedback via email, only when he called them did he get some info.
I got mine from Germany, but that dealer dosn't ship outside of Germany usually, it was only because I had a german friends(my ex is german) that called and said okay for me that they shipped it to Denmark.

Just got my tax money back I am thinking really hard on the Gainward BLISS GeForce 7800 GS SILENT 512MB GDDR3 TV-Out/Dual DVI (AGP) - Retail (GX-030-GW) from overclocker uk. Right now its about ( us dollars ) 424.00 plus vat I think or without vat, not sure. Either way this will do me untill after quakecon 2006. Was gonna buy the 2407 now I am thinking maybe the NEC MultiSync 20WMGX2-BK 20.1 that everyones been raving about.
I did get my card in good condition and it works great. Yes the company left much to be desired in e-mail communication considering they did not reply 4 times. Would I do it again? Maybe? lol After all the product works fine.
got any scores to share about that card? You know, the avg 3dmarks, quake, bf2 and fear? :D
OK the card turned up yesterday as promised, thank you ebuyer. The box is large, containing the 2 slot monster card.. a couple of utility CDs, 2 DVI to VGA converters and the PCIe power converter (takes 2 molex from seperate lines.

All installed and running within 10 minutes. Came with 84.25 drivers? Which was a beta at that time - well played Gainward.

I do not own a copy of any 3dmark utilities although I DLd 03 and 05 can't remember the exact scores but something like... using the free version
3dmark03 14588 @425 1250
3dmark05 7540 @465 1325

Real time performance:

NFS:MW 1280*1024 (max res of her LCD) everything maxed - no slowdown or glitches. It's actually a completley different game with everything turned up - more AI vehicles and other things around. This now looks BETTER than the Xbox360 version.

Oblivion: After the patch release and with NO ini. tweaking it runs at 1280*1024 everything maxed all sliders right and everything on, except shadows because they just look bad. Average FPS about 50-70 dips to low 20s. But exceptionally smooth, and what a beautiful game. oh I favour bloom with X4 anti-doofer rather than HDR.

CS:S max res, max everything. FPS depends on map but anywhere between 40-200, and it's a lot smoother. Really really improved my gaming perfomance.. I was a 1:1 ratio player now more like 8:1 :)

We have had a few problems as this rig (my daughters one) uses a POS foxconn Mobo. We are unable to update any drivers for this board hence we lose a bit of performance.. am in the process of mailing them though so hoping for a resolution today.

May try and take some pics later.

I must say though that the performance increase from her 6600GT is nothing short of amazing. All games just run so much clearer and smoother and so much better looking that they are basically new games to play. If you have a 6600GT or below in AGP get a card like this (or the 7900GPU version!) it makes so much difference.

EDIT: Oh yeah it OCs madly... had it running stable @480 1380, dropped that to 465 1325 for safety (for now anyway) and the temps were <60 under load.
BlastRadius said:
OK the card turned up yesterday as promised, thank you ebuyer. The box is large, containing the 2 slot monster card.. a couple of utility CDs, 2 DVI to VGA converters and the PCIe power converter (takes 2 molex from seperate lines.

All installed and running within 10 minutes. Came with 84.25 drivers? Which was a beta at that time - well played Gainward.

I do not own a copy of any 3dmark utilities although I DLd 03 and 05 can't remember the exact scores but something like... using the free version
3dmark03 14588 @425 1250
3dmark05 7540 @465 1325

Real time performance:

NFS:MW 1280*1024 (max res of her LCD) everything maxed - no slowdown or glitches. It's actually a completley different game with everything turned up - more AI vehicles and other things around. This now looks BETTER than the Xbox360 version.

Oblivion: After the patch release and with NO ini. tweaking it runs at 1280*1024 everything maxed all sliders right and everything on, except shadows because they just look bad. Average FPS about 50-70 dips to low 20s. But exceptionally smooth, and what a beautiful game. oh I favour bloom with X4 anti-doofer rather than HDR.

CS:S max res, max everything. FPS depends on map but anywhere between 40-200, and it's a lot smoother. Really really improved my gaming perfomance.. I was a 1:1 ratio player now more like 8:1 :)

We have had a few problems as this rig (my daughters one) uses a POS foxconn Mobo. We are unable to update any drivers for this board hence we lose a bit of performance.. am in the process of mailing them though so hoping for a resolution today.

May try and take some pics later.

I must say though that the performance increase from her 6600GT is nothing short of amazing. All games just run so much clearer and smoother and so much better looking that they are basically new games to play. If you have a 6600GT or below in AGP get a card like this (or the 7900GPU version!) it makes so much difference.

EDIT: Oh yeah it OCs madly... had it running stable @480 1380, dropped that to 465 1325 for safety (for now anyway) and the temps were <60 under load.

Told you so ;)

Terra - Happy gaming :D
The cost is scary, but the card looks awesome. I bet they could sell a bunch of these in the US.

If you have the money and don't won't to trash a good reliable AGP system, you won't find anything better.
Gainward = ASSTASTIC. Extremely poor customer service. Extremely poor customer notification. Extremely poor company to deal with.

I, for one, was happy to see them pull out of the US market.

I own one of their Ti4200 cards...do a search and you just may discover why I recommend to steer clear of "Painward".
Why would anyone buy such an expensive AGP card? And from what I heard about Gainward, they're vapor when it comes to anything but taking your hard-earned $$$. That's why I'm going eVGA....Step Up helps too....
Sovereign said:
Why would anyone buy such an expensive AGP card? And from what I heard about Gainward, they're vapor when it comes to anything but taking your hard-earned $$$. That's why I'm going eVGA....Step Up helps too....

Because I won't do a full upgrade untill Conroe/r600/G80/Vista time
And from what I hear it's eVGA that are having problems with their OC'ed cards ;)

And this card was cheaper then my 6800GT..prices in the US don't apply to the rest of the world :)

Just ordered my 7800gs (7900 core) and have recieved email saying its shipped. :eek: Cost to get it to the usa was around 566 us dollars ( sale this week only ). Can not wait till new monitor and video card show up ( got a NEC 20.1 20WMGX2BK ) so I can see quake4 and the latest elders scroll, been good and have not bought the game untill I could upgrade some my hardware.

Guess my linux box is gonna get an upgrade soon. Anyone know of a good after market heatsink for a 6800Gt it got the huge gainward two slot cooler that needs to shrink so it can fit the shuttle in sig. :)

Gainward BLISS GeForce 7800 GS+ SILENT 512MB GDDR3 TV-Out/Dual DVI (AGP) - Retail (GX-032-GW)
- GeForce™ 7900 GT GPU running at 450MHz+ (Great Overclocking Potential)
- 512MB 1250MHz+ high speed GDDR3 memory (Great Overclocking Potential)
- Superscalar 24-Pipe GPU Architecture
- SILENT Cooling solution
- High-Speed DDR 256-bit Memory Interface
- Dual 400MHz RAMDACs
- Designed For Extreme HD Gaming – Delivering Ultra Realistic Gaming Experiences
- Built for Windows Vista – The next generation operating system
- Dual link DVI support
- Shader Model 3.0 Support
- True High Dynamic Range Rendering Support – Based on Open EXR technology
They make two version of the card
7800GS 512MB = 20 pipes more like a 7800GT
7800GS+ 512MB = 24 pipes more like a 7900GT

Go to overclockeruk or the gainward Europe site and read about the two AGP cards. I am very happy having my exact model the regular 7800GS with 20 pipes. My CPU is a bottleneck (Barton 3000) so I would have got little improvement over my current card with the other model. I must say though it really made a huge improvement over my previous car a Gainward GEForce3 TI 500 which still works but was deffinetly outdated. It still played the games but in lower resolutions and blurry in like Call of duty II. Now Call of Duty is clear and crisp even in high resolutions. This card rocks and now my system will be good for another two years I hope? lol I know allot of new things are on the way but think my current rig should be able to run allmost all software for a while.
Steven301 said:
Just ordered my 7800gs (7900 core) and have recieved email saying its shipped. :eek: Cost to get it to the usa was around 566 us dollars ( sale this week only ). Can not wait till new monitor and video card show up ( got a NEC 20.1 20WMGX2BK ) so I can see quake4 and the latest elders scroll, been good and have not bought the game untill I could upgrade some my hardware.

Guess my linux box is gonna get an upgrade soon. Anyone know of a good after market heatsink for a 6800Gt it got the huge gainward two slot cooler that needs to shrink so it can fit the shuttle in sig.

Gainward BLISS GeForce 7800 GS+ SILENT 512MB GDDR3 TV-Out/Dual DVI (AGP) - Retail (GX-032-GW)
- GeForce™ 7900 GT GPU running at 450MHz+ (Great Overclocking Potential)
- 512MB 1250MHz+ high speed GDDR3 memory (Great Overclocking Potential)
- Superscalar 24-Pipe GPU Architecture
- SILENT Cooling solution
- High-Speed DDR 256-bit Memory Interface
- Dual 400MHz RAMDACs
- Designed For Extreme HD Gaming – Delivering Ultra Realistic Gaming Experiences
- Built for Windows Vista – The next generation operating system
- Dual link DVI support
- Shader Model 3.0 Support
- True High Dynamic Range Rendering Support – Based on Open EXR technology

Congrats man :)

Terra - You are gonna love it ;)
Ok guys its time to let AGP go! lol i mean your wanting to pay 420$ for an agp card.. you can get 7900gt tthat kills it with a new motherboard for this price, hate to say it but are you CRAZY?! this card can barley score in 3dmark05 lol i paid $248 for mine and i can get 8700 with my cpu default.. but really man the card will be a upgrade for agp yes.. but its not worth it.. its a trap :D trying to pull you in..PCI-E is where u want to be not AGP AGP will be completly phased out in about 2 years
burned-ati said:
Ok guys its time to let AGP go! lol i mean your wanting to pay 420$ for an agp card.. you can get 7900gt tthat kills it with a new motherboard for this price, hate to say it but are you CRAZY?! this card can barley score in 3dmark05 lol i paid $248 for mine and i can get 8700 with my cpu default.. but really man the card will be a upgrade for agp yes.. but its not worth it.. its a trap :D trying to pull you in..PCI-E is where u want to be not AGP AGP will be completly phased out in about 2 years

I got my Gainward 7800GS for less than I gave for my 6800GT ;)

Terra - We don't a live in El Cheepo-US-price-land :p
lol i didnt relize you were not in US. well sorry my mistake, im sure you will enjoy the card! :p
Terra said:
I got my Gainward 7800GS for less than I gave for my 6800GT ;)

Terra - We don't a live in El Cheepo-US-price-land :p

I love cheap prices, I built the rig in my rig for 1500$, pretty good when it outperforms a non-overclocked FX-60, 7800GTX 512MB SLI rig.

Got 33K 3Dmark03
13.8K 3Dmark05
8.7K 3Dmark06
Firelord said:
Your 5 year old daughter has that box? that's just crazy! That's more powerful than my parents PC!

its more powerful then my rig :'(, but litterally taped a 12cm fan over my 6600GT oced it to 600 core, now it runs nfsmw 1200X1000 max detail >:), chops in the tunnels tho.

five year old on nfsmw, thats awsome....

but yea the whole asking for an optie thing thats pretty awsome. i think youve got a computer engineer, i started learning about this crap when i was 14, and im pretty sure everyone else did then, or later, so shes got a good head start on all of us.

edit: technically there is one better agp card then the 7800gs, the X850XT PE AGP. but if you unlock the locked pipes on the 7800gs, it technically performs better.
MrWizard6600 said:
its more powerful then my rig :'(, but litterally taped a 12cm fan over my 6600GT oced it to 600 core, now it runs nfsmw 1200X1000 max detail >:), chops in the tunnels tho.

five year old on nfsmw, thats awsome....

but yea the whole asking for an optie thing thats pretty awsome. i think youve got a computer engineer, i started learning about this crap when i was 14, and im pretty sure everyone else did then, or later, so shes got a good head start on all of us.

I was 8 when I got my first C64 and 11 when I got my C128.
Even had an 5.25" 1541 floppy drive back then :D
But the sooner your learn the "workings" off a PC, the more natural they will become to you.
So thumbs up for sparking her interest ;)

Terra - And speaking of NFSMW, I got some rubber to burn...later ;) *L*