Just hang in there!prices will drop!


Aug 23, 2006
I am just watching all these threads about the new cards from Nvidia and currently I own a 8800GTX. No doubt these prices will come down within just a few weeks when ATI releases there cards so just hang in there and I bet you will see the GTX 280 at around $500 or so. Nvidia is milking us for what they can get until ATI releases there cards :)
This is probably the best advice I have read here in the last 24hrs. People, have patience and don't get click-happy at the Egg. Just give it another week at least. Good things come to those that wait.
Another reason to wait a few more weeks is to see more cooling options and other non-reference designs.
I concure. ZZF has the 280GTX in stock. I pass... My 8800GTX has served me VERY well for the past....hmm....almost 2 years!? It'll suffice for the minimum amount of gaming I still do until the 55nm refresh, or AMD actually releases something very worth while with the 4870x2 series.
Yup. Those early high-end 8800s have been great to those of us fortunate enough to have chosen them over the tempting 2900s.

Hell, they will still be going strong even while the new GeForce 200 and R700 series cards are out and about, especially for people buying them used. They'll keep up, thanks to SLI.

As for the prices, $200 is cheap enough for me to go CrossFire from the start. We'll see if those 4870s are worth the extra dough, though.
This is right. $650 is absolutely ridiculous for the card given what it brings to the table. I was thinking about getting it when it was expected that it would be $600 and the nvidia charts indicated that it would beat out my 8800GTS 512 SLI by 20-30%. I really need that 1GB of memory for oblivion and SLI is buggy in oblivion as well, so I figured those benefits were worth the $250-$300 it would cost after selling my other cards.

But now, the card is coming in at $650 and looks to be around the same as 8800GTS sli, sometimes faster sometimes slower depending on settings, so it's basically $300-$350 to move up to 1GB of memory and get rid of SLI bugs. Not nearly as worth it with the higher cost and without the overall performance increase.

I'd say about $500 is reasonable given the performance.
I intended on ordering a new system once the "new generation" was unveiled. Looks now like I'll order it with an 8800GTX, game at 1680 x 1050, and forget the 200 series. Better luck next time Nvidia.

Or maybe I'll just wait a month to see what the 4870s look like. Either way the 9800/280 simply don't make sense.
I also agree that $650 is too much for the GTX 280. $500-550 would be more than adequate. Let's see if the launch of the HD 4800 series, will impact the GTX 280's prices.
GTX280's are not cheap to make and we all hear that yields are not good... so dont hold your breath for any great price cuts..
I concure. ZZF has the 280GTX in stock. I pass... My 8800GTX has served me VERY well for the past....hmm....almost 2 years!? It'll suffice for the minimum amount of gaming I still do until the 55nm refresh, or AMD actually releases something very worth while with the 4870x2 series.

When you say 2 years, you mean less than 18 months, right? Anyway, its still an eternity.
Prices will drop when ATI actually offers something that can compete. Something I think everyone is forgetting is that Nvidia can afford a price war. The company has zero debt. AMD/ATI on the other hand, can't really handle a price war. Personally, I don't want to see ATI die because competition is allways a good thing.
Sure nvidia can fight a pricewar, but don't think it will drive the 200GTX prices down, nvidia will probably lower the 9800GTX and maybe even the GX2 instead, since they are cheaper to produce anyway.
All I have to say is this:

Is there any game BESIDES CRYSIS that your current card cannot do for an acceptable game experience ?

I don't mind waiting because even though I could drop $650 for the 280GTX.. what's the point?

Even the 9800GTX/8800GTS 512mb performed games that I play like Assassin's Creed, SupCom, WiC, just great at 1920 x 1080 res, and I can hold out on buying a new graphics card b/c honestly.. gaming experience will remain same for the most part that can't justify that big price increase unless you value "just having the fastest card in the planet right now".

already a $50 rebate on the PNY GTX280 - BUT you can get a GX2 for $450!!!

GTX280 is frigging overpriced; nvidia is insane imo to sell it for $650 [what i correctly and sadly predicted]. They hurt themselves when they need us in their war with Intel

GX2 for $450:

i am NOT going to buy an over-priced turkey for "CUDA " crap that we gamers don't give a sh!t about [my opinion as a gamer!]

Nvidia is again out of touch with pricing reality as they Diss us - their loyal supporters - in favor of their new "pro" market

they overhyped the CPAP out of Tesla; it is a CUDA-dream; not a gamer's delight

it is a HUGE disappointment at $650 to me; $550 and i may pick one up
--when will Nvidia learn about the "gouge" hurting themselves and their arrogant image?
--i simply won't pay for their CUDA R&D
Jen-Hsun Huang just confirmed that they are going to stop twisting everyone's arm.
You are now free to buy or not buy at will! :D
Jen-Hsun Huang just confirmed that they are going to stop twisting everyone's arm.
You are now free to buy or not buy at will! :D

Jensen can stuff himself:p
- i am sure he knows what i/we think as he monitors the tech forums himself

i am feeling really Free right now with my "old GTX 8800" .. and no need to upgrade-
my ego can take G80 until they "fix" the 280 with the shrink and realistic "recession" pricing

and now they are "price fixing"; damned Arrogant of Nvidia .. again
that will FAIL .. PNY already offers a $50 rebate on their 280
I too wish it's release price was $500-550. AMD's releases will lower the price of the 260/280.
How much is the question though. They aren't cheap to make. AMD can raise or slightly lower their prices depending on how they stack against Nvidia's offerings.

Here's a different take on the current Nvidia vs. AMD.
First, ATi isn't pricing competitively to help you out...
My plan is almost certainly going to be to wait for the 280/260 prices to drive down the 9800GX2 and the AMD offerings to further drive down prices of all Nvidia cards and hopefuly see the 9800GX2 drop to something cheap, then pick up 2 for Quad SLI.

In the UK right now I can get a

BFG GTX 280 for £470
Leadtek 9800GX2 for £316.12

If the 9800GX2 can drop to ~£250 then 2x in SLI would provide faster speeds than GTX280 for about the same price.

All the old tech will plummet in price as it always does.
You know what they say about a fool and their money. Unless you just have money to burn, or are a foolish fanboy, you buy the best bang per buck. If the NV cards are priced too high for the performance return, then look at ATi as an option.
I too wish it's release price was $500-550. AMD's releases will lower the price of the 260/280.
How much is the question though. They aren't cheap to make. AMD can raise or slightly lower their prices depending on how they stack against Nvidia's offerings.

Here's a different take on the current Nvidia vs. AMD.
First, ATi isn't pricing competitively to help you out...

What would it haev changed though? No matter what the price was at launch, the people who were going to buy it would buy it, the people who were going to wait for ATI's offerings would wait. Now if Nvidia wants to drop the price on AMDs head when they release thier product they can, and take the wind out of AMD's sails. They are simply maximizing thier profits.
The cost to make the 260/280 vs. AMDs offerings don't allow as much margin as AMD will enjoy.
Yes they could sell them at a lost, but their stockholders wouldn't be happy.
If true, AMD: R7xx Speculation

Crysis Very High DX10 @ 1920x1200 4xAA ~ 23 FPS on the 4850 CF
on GTX 280 at same settings (from computerbase.de) ~ 16 FPS

Would force nVidia to lower prices. How much they will lower them depends on AMDs pricing. Lower to gain market share back from nVidia or keep them competitive to gain R&D back?
Now if Nvidia wants to drop the price on AMDs head when they release thier product they can, and take the wind out of AMD's sails. They are simply maximizing thier profits.

Nvidia's chips are super-expensive to make, with low yields (compare that to AMD).
Nvidia doesn't have much room for the price corrections.
No matter what they do, AMD could go much lower and still turn profit.
Those Crossfire scores look really amazing. I think once the 4780 comes out I'm going to be plunking down for two cards. Hopefully by then they'll have some after market cooling. I can make breakfast on those video cards.
All I have to say is this:

Is there any game BESIDES CRYSIS that your current card cannot do for an acceptable game experience ?

Well, I play Age of Conan at 1920x1200 on a 24" monitor and my 8800 GTX is crushed by this game. I have to turn "Bloom" off and cut down my draw distance in order to get semi-acceptable frame rates. the [H]ard review for the GTX 280 explicitly calls out that this is the first card(s) to run AoC with all the details at high resolutions which made me want this card. The $650 price point has negated that desire temporarily, and I'm waiting to see how ATI's part fairs both in price and performance.
I say wait for next years cards these are all small steps forward nothing major if you already own a 8800, 9600, 9800.
Nvidia's chips are super-expensive to make, with low yields (compare that to AMD).
Nvidia doesn't have much room for the price corrections.
No matter what they do, AMD could go much lower and still turn profit.

Everyone is quoting someone who claimed to have talked to an insider about the yields on the 280s and 260s. The quote is like 3 months old at least, even if it is true that doesn't mean they havn't gotten better at it in the last 3 months. Even at that, the quoted price per chip was about 128$ (iirc) after accounting for the low yields. Even if you assume 100$ for the memory (outlandishly high for DDR3) you have a card that costs less than 300$ to make. Selling them at 650? Yeah they have some room to come down.

There has been no reports of how good or bad AMD's manufactoring has been. So you can't say this. Not only that, but the x2s will take twice the size of a "normal" die, which equates to the twice the cost. They are also using DDR5, I'm sure that is just super cheap :rolleyes:.
All the old tech will plummet in price as it always does.

yeah i thought that too back when i had my 7800GT...thought the price on a second one would plummet with the new stuff coming out

never did. unless u went ebay
Not only that, but the x2s will take twice the size of a "normal" die, which equates to the twice the cost.
Twice the cost of a smaller chip which equals more dies per wafer. Which would not be the same cost per chip as Nvidia getting 90-100 chips per wafer total.
Sure we don't have first hand data of yield percentages, but larger chips seem to have a lower percent yield of usable chips vs. smaller chips per wafer.
Well I didn't plan to hold my breath for any dramatic price drops.

Firstly the card is the alpha dog, so to speak, of the single GPU cards. It has no competition and Nvidia knows people will pay the huge price premium for the best. There is nothing above it or even remotely trailing is other than the 9800GX2 and I think that's going away soon. So no real motivation for Nvidia to lower the price anytime soon.

Secondly I don't know much about this UMAP thing Nvidia started recently. It seems a bit vague on the details, but seems like a way of controlling dropping prices.

Thirdly. I bought an 8800GTX about 6 months after launch. It was originally $600 in November 2006. It was still $560 on NewEgg in May 2007. The highest end cards just don't usually drop in price as quickly as the lower models do.

The only exception that comes to mind was the obscenely priced $820 8800 Ultra.
Forgive me if I don't count The Inquirer as a credible source. Especially when they admit they are just reprinting something that was posted on a chinese forum. A forum. How many crap threads have we seen in the past 24 hours spring up. Like "We need 4870x2 right now !!! GTX-280 = major dud"
Yeah, it's hard to believe, but the Inquirer proved to be pretty accurate in their "predictions" in regards to the latest AMD/ATI hardware.
Just look at the responses to their prior articles. Everyone and his brother was slamming the Inquirer for being totally biased or worse, for them making claims that the new ATI's crop of cards will be capable of challenging the Nvidia's next gen product, while being considerably cheaper at the same time.
Yet more and more evidence is being posted on the web, all pointing to the same conclusion that ATI indeed may have gotten a homerun on their hands.
Besides what credible sourses do you expect to hear from while the NDA is still in effect?
I say wait for next years cards these are all small steps forward nothing major if you already own a 8800, 9600, 9800.

What would your thoughts be for someone, such as myself, who owns one 7900 GTX + 680i Striker Extreme????? Currently @ 1600 x 1200
What would your thoughts be for someone, such as myself, who owns one 7900 GTX + 680i Striker Extreme?????

As long as the games you play are running fine stick with it. If they games you play are eating your card you could get 8800gts for 160 or sli some 9600gt's for 250.
I was pretty sure I was going to drop a huge chunk of change on this card the day it came out, but the card is $100 more than I expected.

Also, they clearly missed the GPU clock speeds they were aiming for by a decent margin (the 280's 602MHz is only 8800GT speeds; 9800GTX does 675), and the next round of manufacturing process should allow more scaling. Although knowing NVidia's strategy, it'll either be another through the roof insanely expensive card ($750 GTX 280 Ultra? who knows? :mystery:), or more likely they will simply refuse to upstage their new princelet the GT 280. Notice how the 8800 GTX went unchallenged nearly two years? I'm reasonably certain thats a deliberate strategy nv is trying to stick to.

In all likelihood, my reaction will be to hang on to my cheap as nails 7950GT for a while longer and wait for nvidia to put it on a smaller/less power hungry process. I may buy a 8800GTS 512MB if I can find one for ~$160, I could use it in a second computer down the road. But in general, this launch sent me from being 100% certain of a GT 280 purchase to waiting for something better for the money.

The Inquirer is one of my favorite news sources but they do trod on nv quite regularly. They basically refused to acknowledge that the ram would be 1.2 GHz despite having it laid plain in front of them, and they love throwing dirt on any delay or yield issues nv may or may not be having. I dont mind though, its quietly pro-underdog imo.
As long as the games you play are running fine stick with it. If they games you play are eating your card you could get 8800gts for 160 or sli some 9600gt's for 250.

Sorry, didn't provide enough info to make myself clear. The games I play were eating two of those cards in SLI. - (just sold one in anticipation of an upgrade to the 200 series.) - I skipped the 8800 and 9800 because I kept reading these same kinds of post's; "just wait, this release sucks, next should be better bang for buck."I can't go crossfire with this MB. Won't wait till next year with only one 7900. Am wanting to believe 280GTX is next 8800GTX and buying soon, (perhaps after ATIs' next release in hopes of price drop), will mean 1.5 to 2 years of owning the best there is. Based on what many here are saying I think those hopes are probably unfounded but now I'm trapped.