Just got a Dell PowerEdge 5324 switch as a gift; yay!!!


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
I just did a factory reset... now, I have to figure out a way to connect to it.

RS232 only, huh? Crap... I need a PCI card with a RS232 extension. Or, any other way to connect to it via HTTP???

Looking for a manual on www.dell.com right now.
The documentation is here: http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/network/pc5324/en/index.htm

I've got one of these and it's a pretty decent switch. Nice catch!

Pretty sure it doesn't ship with a default IP configuration though. You'll need to find a serial port to get it on the network, then you will be able to telnet in (the web interface on this switch is pretty awful, I wouldn't bother with it). You can get USB serial dongles for a couple bucks at DealExtreme or Monoprice or pretty much anywhere, and PCI cards are likewise cheap. It's a good thing to have around.
Thanks, Keenan!

Yeah, I just found a really cool TrendNET USB-to-Serial dongle on Amazon dot com. It's got great reviews and only $15. I probably will get that one (free 2nd day shipping).

I am very grateful for it and very excited. It's a little noisy, though. So, I don't think I'll use it in my room or office. Gotta put it in the back room or garage to really appreciate the performance from afar without hearing the noisy fans. But, the LED lights showing POWER and FANS make me all giddy :p


What do you recommend for TERMINAL EMULATION on Windows 7??? I can't find anything in the system :(

Yeah, I just found a really cool TrendNET USB-to-Serial dongle on Amazon dot com. It's got great reviews and only $15. I probably will get that one (free 2nd day shipping).
Make sure that if it has a male connector, you get the necessary gender changer as well. I'd also recommend you pick up a null modem adapter in case the wiring direction is backwards in the cable you buy. I'd suggest you look at monoprice, they sell all of this stuff and you can probably get everything including the USB adapter and priority shipping for about $15.

Edit: Well actually it looks like they're out of stock of the gender changers and null modem adapters. Bugger.

It's a little noisy, though.
I opened mine up and unplugged the fans, since I'm using it at home as well. It gets warm but not hot and I've had no issues whatsoever with it, though I don't push it all that hard.

What do you recommend for TERMINAL EMULATION on Windows 7??? I can't find anything in the system :(
Putty is my favourite for telnet/ssh and basic serial tasks. I still use Tera Term once in a while if I have more demanding serial stuff to do. Ancient stuff, but free and good. SecureCRT is nice as well, but it costs money.
Wow! I can't believe I forgot about PuTTy. I did use it in the past for Telnet and/or SSH stuff. It's definitely a good call. Thx!

I don't know about unplugging the fans... I don't know if I'm comfortable with doing it. Although, you're right... for home use it should be fine. Plus, it'd be nice to have it in my office.

Thanks, again!!
Can't seem to get in using a terminal cable... it's asking for password. How do I factory reset it? :(
Read the user guide section titled 'Starting and Configuring the Device | Startup Menu Procedures'. There's a password recovery process.
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Reset the password... thanks, guys!

Wow... lots of stuff for me to learn. Set it up as on my home network with as default gateway. Wow... lots of settings and options. Overwhelmed a little... will play around with it a little tomorrow.

Nite, guys!! THanks for the help :D
FWIW- Telnet is included in Windows 7/Vista- you just have to go to Add/Remove Windows Components to add it in.
i would get it as far as setting up a username/passowrd, and IP, then use the web GUI to do the rest, much better i think, could also be i'm so used to the CLI of cisco stuff as well, they are similar but ciscos is muc hbetter.
I just did a factory reset... now, I have to figure out a way to connect to it.

RS232 only, huh? Crap... I need a PCI card with a RS232 extension. Or, any other way to connect to it via HTTP???

Looking for a manual on www.dell.com right now.


poweredge is the name of the server line up.
It is a pretty nice switch, we use those as well as the layer 3 version the 6200 series.
i picked up a 5324 last week for $50 off craigslist. the guy also has a few 5224's and a 2748 for cheap as well.