Java IDEs


Limp Gawd
Mar 26, 2002
I have been away from the Java scene for sometime now and was wondering what are some of the better ide(s) to use for java programming.

I used eclipse awhile back. How has this ide evolved?

I'm not sure how it has evolved, considering the current version is the first and only I've used, but it is nice.

I currently use two. NetBeans, and Eclipse. Basically, I layout my GUI in Netbeans, and let it write all the Swing generation code for me. Then I open all the code in Eclipse and work with it from there. After removing all the annoying NetBeans comments :rolleyes:
I used netbeans a while back, it was fairly n00bified. Makes easy stuff really simple, but hides the advanced functionality to some degree. I'm still new at java though, so perhaps I'm not the best person to ask.

One of my friends of the time used and liked eclipse best of the many he had tried. YMMV.
Fryguy8 said:
If you want a true ide, use eclipse.

I'm still a vim fan though.

I like Vim as well, but if you are still in the process of learning the ins and outs of Java, or you haven't dealt with it in a while, the code completion and suggestions Eclipse gives you help out. :D
I love eclipse's completions, tab is my best friend. Plus, it has the coolest plugin ever, jigloo!

Between eclipse and jigloo, making complete apps in java is a ton easier. :)
I have not used JBuilder extensively, but I have used Eclipse for about 99% of all Java programming I have done in the past two years. It gets the job done, though I forget how it has changed from version 2.x to version 3.x.
I like eclipse over jbuilder, since with eclipse you know what you are getting, namely everything!

If you don't know what I mean, try figuring out what is the difference between the free and paid version of jbuilder...