Itunes library located on NAS, but it's SO slow!


Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2008
So, I've set up my iTunes library to be located on my NAS (network attached storage). It's plugged into a gigabit switch, as is my home PC.

The library is big, about 77GB - which is why I don't want to keep it locally in the first place.

Anyhow, anytime I add music to itunes, it is SO SO SO slow to put the songs in the library. It just freezes itunes for about 1 minute per song. The copy process of the files over to the drive is pretty quick, a few seconds at most. It's like itunes is thinking about organizing it or something for the other 55 seconds, per song...

Is there any fix for this? iTunes has always felt sluggish on my i7 (which is ridiculous) - I'm getting close to switching over to Spotify completely for syncing/etc... but I would like to see if I can't fix this first...


Windos 7 64 bit, by the way. Any ideas anyone?
What NAS? What drive(s) is the music stored on? What OS is running on the NAS, if it's home built?

What are your typical transfer rates to and from the NAS for small files?
It's a FreeNAS 8 box that I built, with help from the [H] actually.

Hardware is an i3 with 4GB of ram, and 2 gigabit NICs.

It's hard to tell transfer rates, but moving over some MP3s I average around 3.5 MBps. The router is a comcast router, pretty beefed up (meant for use with TV and other services, the triple play bundle).
