Issue with Quicktime


Apr 17, 2004
For whatever reason any quicktime app refuses to operate in firefox or IE7 (most of the time, for say audio, when the play bar comes up it is just a black box and refuses to play.)

I figure to try the simple things first, and go to uninstall/install quicktime. However whenever I go to uninstall quicktime, the uninstaller freezes at the "Closing all Quicktime Applications" part and crashes. This is when no other programs are being run. Whats really annoying is that it crashes the entire installer program and I'm unable to use it again for quicktime or anything else until I reboot.

Suggestions? I'm on Vista Home Premium 64 bit.
I always stay away from Apple Quictime and Real/

use Quicktime Alternative and Real alternative

if all else fails, try to uninstall in safe mode
a good uninstaller: MyUninstaller *nirsoft