is windows 8 a success in the real world? (the enduser world?)


Nov 23, 2011
what's going on in microsoft, what does ms say about windows 8? are they happy, is windows 8 a success in the real world?
There is already a multi-page, several hundred post thread debating these very points. Do we really need to start up another one right now? How about posting in that thread, or at least waiting for it to die out before firing up another "Let's Debate Windows 8!" cat fight.
what i need to know is "what is microsoft position about all this?" do they have one?
MS is happy about it , not sure if sales reflects the success they claim.

It is so double these days look at what happened to Vista I'm sure that you couldn't find anything bad about it until Windows 7 was announced.
If W8 had the target of being more entry-level user friendly it most likely succeeded. I've seen completely clueless computer users accept W8 surprisingly well.

Too bad they crapped in the sandbox of the existing user base by doing that.
If you are speculating in to relation to where they will go with the UI/aesthetics for the next version right now the rumor seems to be still Metro and incorporating more elements from WP8. The desktop will still be there but even more "flattened" aesthetically (eg. no more transparency on the taskbar even).
*waits for the next 20 Windows 8 threads from AndreRio after this one has been closed* :rolleyes:
i think W8 will be just fine. W8 is basically W7 without the old start menu. Get over this fact and you're golden.
its a joke, sales are worse than vista.
If it was about $30 (like it should be) then it would sell.
Way to high a price and too soon after 7.
Just a microshaft money grab.

speaking of money grab the next release you can't buy.
you will only be able to lease it at $99 a year.
It's more than a money grab, it's an OS that is much more touch friendly, which Microsoft needs to get into the booming tablet and smartphone marketplace.

Also, source for $99 a year, or I call BS. You don't own any licenses, you lease them. Read the EULA.