Is there a way to preserve filename cases sensitivity in WinXP?


Jul 17, 2003
I've got a little bit of a problem. I help develop and maintain our companies website. The website is actually kept and run on a linux server running apache. As most of you probably know, linux has filename case sensitivity meaning that webpage.php is different from WebPage.php.

Well, unfortunately our website has a lot of pages with that exact naming scheme. Don't ask me why because I didn't create it, I just inherited it. I've already asked and they won't let me rename the pages.

I do all of my editing of web pages on my PC which is running Windows XP Pro. This is in part due to the fact that I like, and have gotten used to, a particular IDE called PHP Designer 2006 but also because they haven't said that I can install linux on my PC in a dual boot option. So my question is, is there a way in Windows XP that I can somehow turn on filename case sensitivity?

Nope, no reasonable way to enable it. Which is probably good, because any application which assumed case insensitivity (which is most of them!) would break.

NTFS shows a case sensitive file system interface to the POSIX subsystem. Your only choice is to write (or find) a file system driver that exposes the POSIX system back to the Win32 layer. And that would have to be limited to certain directories because of the compatibility issue.
I did some digging and came up with this:

Make a reg file with this in it:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel]

I'd back up first too, as I have the same feelings about it causing some havoc in programs that are already installed.
Thanks for the info everyone. I just might try that solution but I'm going to try and talk my supervisor into letting me dual boot. I just found a very interesting web development IDE for linux called Quanta Plus. It looks pretty cool and is free.

It's been a long time since I did anything with linux at all so if they let me dual boot I'll have to basically relearn linux but that's ok by me. I always found linux to be a very interesting and fun OS anyway.

riot8ap said:
I'd back up first too, as I have the same feelings about it causing some havoc in programs that are already installed.
No need to, as that registry setting only affects the POSIX subsystem and not the Win32 subsystem.