Is there a master list of drivers INCLUDED with XP x64?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 6, 2003
my wife has an x64 box that is currently running XP x32. She's really keen on upgrading to x64 (no gaming for here), but she wants to make sure that her scanner will be supported. It's an old Visioneer 9020 USB. We've got an x32 driver for it, but thought that maybe XP x64 would include a driver for it.

Any help finding a list of the included drivers would be appreciated.

There are a lot of drivers included on the x64 CD, but have you checked with the scanner (or other device) maker's site first? It may have a link to drivers directly or state that x64 drivers are included with the OS.

I made a page with the printer drivers included on the x64 CD here, but many manufacturers make drivers available directly.

My old UMAX scanner doesn't have x64 drivers, so don't hold your breath if the Visioneer 9020 is never supported.

Edit: I just searched the inf files for visioneer and (edit) OneTouch separately and nothing showed up. No x64 drivers are on either. You're out of luck then.
svet-am said:
my wife has an x64 box that is currently running XP x32. She's really keen on upgrading to x64 (no gaming for here), but she wants to make sure that her scanner will be supported. It's an old Visioneer 9020 USB.

The only scanners I found to work are recent models from Epson, Canon and HP. You may want to consider upgrading to something like a Canon LiDE 500F (~$120 or so)
pigster said:
The only scanners I found to work are recent models from Epson, Canon and HP. You may want to consider upgrading to something like a Canon LiDE 500F (~$120 or so)
I'll pass this on to her, but she's really keen on this visioneer because it's a landscape format scanner (hence, it fits nicely on her relatively small desk).
svet-am said:
she's really keen on this visioneer because it's a landscape format scanner (hence, it fits nicely on her relatively small desk).

The Canon is also landscape format :p