Is Sysprep needed - replacing ASUS H55 chipset with ASUS X79 chipset motherboard


Sep 20, 2009
I'm about to upgrade my system by swapping out the motherboard. Both are ASUS, both Intel chipsets, but the chipset is different and I'm sure some of the onboard controllers. I've read that Windows 7 is very good about this sort of upgrade and all I need to do is load the drivers for the new motherboard, if they aren't already loaded automatically by Windows. I also keep reading about the need to sysprep a Win 7 installation before swapping motherboards.

In my specific case, is a sysprep necessary? Recommended or advised, even if not strictly necessary?

Is it necessary or advisable to remove the unused drivers from the H55 chipset motherboard?

As always, thanks in advance. Even though I am not a Win 7 expert, I do contribute replies to other people's questions in other forums.

Sysprep isn't needed but it'll probably want you to reactivate
It is not needed nor recommended for all the extra work you would have to do post and prior. Backup (sys image), uninstall specific mbo drivers/software (audio, lan, usb 3.0...), swap, set BIOS (ide/ahci, cpu, ram...), boot, install new drivers and you're good to go.