Is one anti-virus better at protecting you than anonther?


Limp Gawd
Aug 31, 2004
In regards to actually stopping a virus from being downloaded onto your computer, do all anti-virus programs get the job done the same way? The reason I ask is because I currently use the free program AVG supplies. I got into an arguement with my friend about this. It just seems to me that all programs out there are going to have the same virus definitions to detect virii. It makes no sense why one would protect against more virii than the other. Why would people use the one with less protection?
AVG is good, I would never say it's not...... but you get what you pay for;)

is a far superior a/v solution, in my opinion....Try the 30 day free trial and you'll see for yourself.
Any A/V is better than none. I've used Norton, McAfee & Zone Alarm. Viruses seem to slip by all 3 of those programs. NOD32 & Avast are the only 2 that have been bullet proof for me.
Any A/V is better than none.
I'd argue the point. Let's say you had a crappy A/V installed, and you felt secure. Are you more or less secure?

For most people, their computing habits differ if they have protection from if they don't. So you might be more willing to browse that questionable site, or download that "movie" than you would otherwise be.
No they are all very different. AVG is decent, especially since it's free, but NOD32 is a lot better IMO.
I use the AVG Professional ($38.95) for the auto updates, and real time protection. Whether you chose the pd version of AVG or NOD32 or Kapersky, you should be well protected. Anyone using a free AV program is taking a risk:eek:
+1 NOD32.

If I were more than one person (sometimes I am), I'd have more one-ups to give.
+1 NOD32. Great program and add:

For most people, their computing habits differ if they have protection from if they don't. So you might be more willing to browse that questionable site, or download that "movie" than you would otherwise be.

QFT. I wouldn't ever go so far as to say anything is completely bulletproof so your own actions play a large role in how safe you are online. Granted, viruses do come through emails and, every now and then, something can make it into the "safest" of websites. But virus protection STARTS with you.
I don't really feel secure with those free A/V's.

I been using Kaspersky for about a year now and it seems to be working well. Virus definitions update every few hours.
+∞ for NOD32

And I'll bet that doesn't show up properly for most people, but then again... it's the "Lazy 8" meaning infinity, soooo... ;)
I'm a big fan of Microsoft One Care, but some would call me biased...

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AVG is pretty good, but not perfect.

Problem is, even if you set it up to scan every single file, it doesn't catch everything (even if you have real time protection on). By itself, it's not very good for cleaning out a horribly-infected system.

However, scanning every file with AdAware while AVG's real-time protection is on, will cause AVG to pick up the rest. (I'm not referring to anything stored in AdAware's quarantine area or spyware, but other viruses that AVG just doesn't pick up by itself.)

So, IMO, AVG + its real-time protection + running AdAware while AVG's real-time protection is turned on = good.