Is my PC Cool enough?


Jan 6, 2006
I am unable to find what temps I should be shooting for in some of my hardware, so I would appreciate it if you could tell me if my temps are suitable. All of these are "normal usage" temps, and not "under load". In fact, i'm just web browsing, so its more likely ot be "idling" :p.

CPU: AMD Athlon X2 3800+ (No Overclocking)- 28c
HDD: 60gb WD/120gb WD (IDE) - 30c
VGA: eVGA geForce 7600 GT - 39c

Thanks! I'm planning on getting a aftermarket cooler for the 7600, as its way too loud for my tastes. Plus, its 10c hotter than everything else :p.
Uh your temps are fine. Actually id almost say your temp sensor is incorrect for the cpu. 28C idle for a dual core cpu...thats pretty low. I am not sure why you started a thread. All those temps are fine.......
Retsam said:
Uh your temps are fine. Actually id almost say your temp sensor is incorrect for the cpu. 28C idle for a dual core cpu...thats pretty low. I am not sure why you started a thread. All those temps are fine.......

Actually that depends on the ambient temp. My overclocked X2 @2.6ghz will idle at 27c during the cooler months when I have the windows open, right now, in the summer, it idles at 32c or 33c. But I have great case venting as well. Large 120mm fans, but quiet. I load up at 50c typically (varies from 48 to 52) since it runs Folding about 20 hours a day for the [H]orde.

but as you said, his temps appear to be fine.