iPods Banned In Gates’ House?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Raise your hand if you are surprised that iPods and iPhones are banned in Bill Gates’ home. I’m not. Would you be surprised if Sony’s CEO banned the Xbox 360 from his? Do you think the owner of Pepsi drinks Coke? Ummm, the answer to these questions is “no.”

She says: "There are very few things that are on the banned list in our household. But iPods and iPhones are two things we don't get for our kids."
I'd be pissed too. Those gadgets are great. One day, Bill will figure out what everyone does not need and make us all want it, just like Apple does.
So, effectively:
She says: "There are very few things that are on the banned list in our household. But superior products are...things we don't get for our kids."

That's fairly interesting, ain't it?
I suppose Bill could break out the petty cash and buy Apple so his kids could have an iPod.

Those two (Bill and Melinda) give away more money in a year than Apple could dream of making.

Don't make Bill bust out a bunch of mosquitoes on their ass. :eek:
You know the kids have a stack of Apple hardware under their beds as a result.
^LOL! That's classic.

I'm not surprised that Gates would do this, but then again it's good to have set standards. ;)
bill gates is a great man. He gives away billions in philanthropy and he bans apple products. He have my deepest respect.
Im sure other ceo's besides Bill who dont own their own companies are under contract to not use competing products or their job is over if caught., just like celebrities.
Superior? lol That depends on who you ask.
Not really. Microsoft simply has nothing that could hope to compete with the iPod touch...unless storage space is the sole determinator of superiority.
Not really. Microsoft simply has nothing that could hope to compete with the iPod touch...unless storage space is the sole determinator of superiority.

:rolleyes: LOL!

Steve Jobs to Gates:

Jobs: We have the iPod, iTunes, the Mac...what do you have?

Gates: Everything else.
Not really. Microsoft simply has nothing that could hope to compete with the iPod touch...unless storage space is the sole determinator of superiority.

iTunes is bloated beyond belief and Apple has basically turned the iPod into a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none device. Not that it was a particularly frickin awesome player in the first place besides ease of use and integration with software (the word 'overhyped' comes to mind)... There are many other media players on the market that can do so much more and are better choices if someone wants a media player.

If you wanna compare the iPod Classic with the Zune we can, but the iPod touch is sort of in a class by itself being somewhat of a meld between media player and some kind of PDA.

Gates is a cool dude indeed... almost had dinner with him at his house once (Dad used to work for Microsoft) ... only thing was he had to make like a $25,000 donation or something to a charity... haha... and he came pretty close to doing it...
Can you see it now?

Bill Gates (holding a iPod touch): What the hell is this? I found this in your room!
Bill Jr: I was just holding it for a friend! I love my Zune! Really I do!
Makes sense to me; It would be like shitting on your families pride and joy. If my Dad created Microsoft I wouldn't buy Mac anything except Donald's.
Not really. Microsoft simply has nothing that could hope to compete with the iPod touch...unless storage space is the sole determinator of superiority.

^This post in unbelievably stupid. You're right, Microsoft has nothing that competes with the iPod Touch because they don't make any products designed to compete with the iPod Touch. For those of us who DO care about storage space (and bigger screens, better audio quality, song tagging, etc.) the Zune 80/120 are hands down better than comparable Classics.

The original story really isn't surprising. Media and blogs would go crazy if someone found out their children were using competitor's products. The same goes for almost every company.
BILL GATES Home: ==>No Apple products for you kids.

STEVE JOBS Home: ==>You can have Windows so long as it's installed on a Apple computer.

LINUS TORVALDS Home: ==>Use anything you want so long as it's running Linux.

Can't everyone see that we're breaking up many happy homes?
This is such sensationalistic bull. Everyone jump on the bash MS bandwagon because Mrs Gates said they don't buy iPods or iPhones for their kids. :rolleyes:

So, effectively:

That's fairly interesting, ain't it?

Wasn't there a recent news article about how the iPhone was selling terribly in Japan both because it lacked a lot of features and was severely overpriced? The iPod is an overpriced POS, many media players have a lot more features for a fraction of the price and the iPhone, well, those are for people that need to compensate for other things. You'd have to be insane to pay over $100/m for a phone.
Oh is this another "anything apple is crap thread".
If only Ipods didn't have an engineered life expectancy of one year I would actually consider replacing mine, but since they all break down in a year or so anyway I find it a complete waste.
Hey, I stirred Steve!
Steve Jobs to Gates:
Jobs: We have the iPod, iTunes, the Mac...what do you have?
Gates: Everything else.
To reply: yeah, Microsoft makes better mice than Apple. Much, much better mice. And also, uh...hmm. Give me some time to think about that one ;)

If you wanna compare the iPod Classic with the Zune we can...
And the Zune's actually a better DAP than the iPod classic, if you ask me -- at least in many respects.

^This post in unbelievably stupid. You're right, Microsoft has nothing that competes with the iPod Touch because they don't make any products designed to compete with the iPod Touch.
Yeah...that's kind of the point :)

For those of us who DO care about storage space (and bigger screens, better audio quality, song tagging, etc.) the Zune 80/120 are hands down better than comparable Classics.
Yeah, the Zune totally kicks the iPod's ass in the sound quality department. Or, uh...well, not really. Don't buy into the myths surrounding sound quality differences between most of the popular DAPs.

And song tagging? What's wrong with the way iPods read tags (ID3v1 and ID3v2.x), and what's better about the way the Zune reads tags?

...the iPhone, well, those are for people that need to compensate for other things. You'd have to be insane to pay over $100/m for a phone.
Hah! Yeah, I bought an iPhone to compensate for my...wait, what!?

In all reality, the rototiller I bought is designed to compensate for my small package. People are generally pretty impressed when they see my kickass rototiller, you know.

(My phone bill is only $81.46 a month, by the way)
Its not so much because its a competitor's product, its because... its a competitor's product.

Do you have any idea what would happen in the media, what stock holders would say if they saw his kids running around with a iPod/iTouch/iPhone? All hell would break loose.

I remember hearing a story where a coke supply driver had his picture taken when he was stopped somewhere drinking pepsi. I think he got fired over it.
wow, the fact that apple fanboys are surprised about this blows my mind

I wonder if somewhere on the interweb there is a forum of MUG root beer fanbois that all laugh that the guy who invented Barq's wont drink MUG.... hmm...
I don't see why this is surprising to anyone, it's simple PR. You don't run around with your competition's hardware while trying to convince everyone that yours is superior.
I think it proves more that they are good parents. Children don't need ipods or cell phones. When I grew up I kept a pocket full of change and used a pay phone IF I ever managed to get so far away from home I couldn't walk back.

We used to go out and play and do stuff outside, not sit in a room and play with cell phone and mp3 players, though they didn't exist when I wasa kid.
I think it proves more that they are good parents. Children don't need ipods or cell phones. When I grew up I kept a pocket full of change and used a pay phone IF I ever managed to get so far away from home I couldn't walk back.

We used to go out and play and do stuff outside, not sit in a room and play with cell phone and mp3 players, though they didn't exist when I wasa kid.
Good parents ban Ipods(or other products of certain companies) from their house? :rolleyes:

Good parents don't spoil their kids. I myself never had a cellphone in school. It wasn't worth the cost imo(plus I had other bills myself), and my parent(s) didn't spoil me w/ ipods, cellphones, big TV's, high-end PC's, multiple consoles etc. :D
I'd be pissed too. Those gadgets are mediocre, but marketed great. One day, Bill will figure out what everyone does not need and make us all want it, just like Apple does.

Fixed that for you. I'll take my 9 year old Rio Karma over any model iPud that has been released yet.
I give Bill a pat on the back for that.

Any time I think of Icrap products it makes wanna punch some cool kid's teeth out.
Jeremy Clarkson owns both iPods and iPhone so that automatically makes then ultra uncool anyway.
Jeremy Clarkson owns both iPods and iPhone so that automatically makes then ultra uncool anyway.

this. I lol'd when I read it. Just because they are uncool doesnt mean they are damn good cars, o wait I mean music players.
This reminds me of that story about how Chrysler makes it's employees who don't drive Chrysler cars park in the parking lot across the street.