Ipad question to actual users.


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 16, 2008
Not trying to flamebait.
What can the ipad do that my iPhone doesn't?
Be more readable as it is bigger?

A friend of mine got one, used it for about 48 hours, then returned it. He is back on his ThinkPad x200. He hated trying to type on the damn thing while lounging on the couch. Said it was damn near impossible to do it without getting cramped in some way.
Honestly what's the difference between a 12 inch monitor and a 30 inch monitor? Depends on what you're using it for. The iPhone actually can do more... it can make and receive calls and browse the net on the go. It's a great "portable" device. The iPad though in it's current form in a living room/bedroom device. It makes browsing/casual gaming more enjoyable. That's all it does. It doesn't sound like much but depending on what you do when you're on your computer it may be the most important thing. Me? I spend 70% of my time on my computer browsing the net... mostly on forums or researching learning my next build, my new toy. I sit on my couch, watch streamed movies from my server to my living room media center, and peruse the web on my laptop. The iPad represents the perfect replacement for my laptop. It's lighter, easier to use and lasts 10 hours on a charge.

The biggest question is what would you use it for? If your happy using your iphone as your main method of interacting with the web, casual gaming than don't buy one... it's probably not worth the $500 for you. Micro 101... utility.
@ schizrade: Your friend must have massive fingers, I have no problem typing on it in landscape mode. portrait I could see getting crapped, but in landscape it isn't much different than a macbook keyboard.

@ BravO)))

ignoring the different apps in the app store.. built in bookstore, larger, easier to read screen, more detailed calendar views, (i personally like the calendar on the ipad MUCH better) more elegant mail application, better iPod app, video app.

Add in the Apps, and there are a great many things that the iPad can do, that your iPhone cannot. Pages, Keynote, Numbers are all on the iPad, not the iPhone, the iPad versions of many apps offer a bunch of different/better features. It makes remote accessing computers enjoyable, rather than stressful. Once you get used to the keyboard you can type close to, if not faster than, your typical typing speed. (I am pretty sure I type a little bit faster on the ipad than I do on a normal keyboard. I also make fewer mistakes due to the autocorrect on the ipad.)

Netflix, ABC video, Hulu (soon), all play on the iPad, not the iPhone. Marvel comic reader, Mag+ Magazines (PopSci is the only one as of yet). Gives you the ability to load documents into different applications when connected to a computer and itunes.

There are quite a few things you can do on the ipad that you cannot do on the iphone.
@ schizrade: Your friend must have massive fingers, I have no problem typing on it in landscape mode. portrait I could see getting crapped, but in landscape it isn't much different than a macbook keyboard.

It had more to do with the rest of his body and the ergonomics involved. Think neck cramps etc.
A larger screen gets you a lot, that should be really obvious. Outside of watching video, it means I can post to forums like this one very easily (like I'm doing now, but apparently I'm awesome with virtual keyboards :confused:), read webpages more easily, and it buys you better interfaces.

Can you put palettes and such on an iPhone? http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sketchbook-pro/id364253478?mt=8

How about complex multi-pane UIs like this? http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/things-for-ipad/id364365411?mt=8

All I want now is a Lightroom/Aperture style photo editing app.

If it isn't for you, great. Having my laptop in my living room was never an ideal situation since I'd either have to lean forward to it on my coffee table or it would be uncomfortable in my lap. The iPad fits elsewhere in my place much more easily. Its great for web browsing or reading GameFAQS.com when I'm in my living room. It'll also be the perfect business travel device with all that battery life. About the only thing I don't like the iPad for is reading. The Kindle's e-paper screen is much better suited for reading book, but I'm a picky MF so it may not bother other people.

So yeah, it might not be for you, but that's a different thing from "what can the iPad do that the iPhone can't". Different screen, different use. :)
@ schizrade: Your friend must have massive fingers, I have no problem typing on it in landscape mode. portrait I could see getting crapped, but in landscape it isn't much different than a macbook keyboard.

I fly on the virtual keyboard now, no problem, but I'm also really fast on the iPhone keyboard. I don't expect everyone to be as good with OSKs. I dunno, must be all the violent video games. :confused:
I fly on the virtual keyboard now, no problem, but I'm also really fast on the iPhone keyboard. I don't expect everyone to be as good with OSKs. I dunno, must be all the violent video games. :confused:

I too fly on it, but unless you have large hands, I don't see how you wouldn't be able to fly on it. It is laid out very much like a normal laptop keyboard, minus a few keys on the primary typing screen. But the letter layout is tithe right size.. Sometimes the positions are a little weird though. I reallyy enjoy typing on it, it iod making me want to build an osk interface that is similar for os x itself, and build a capacitipve touchscreen to use it on, :)
I fly on the virtual keyboard now, no problem, but I'm also really fast on the iPhone keyboard. I don't expect everyone to be as good with OSKs. I dunno, must be all the violent video games. :confused:

Again he was referring to the ergonomics of using a flat device while trying to type on it, not how fast he could type on it. Put it flat on the table and no problem. Try to hold it in front of you relaxing on the couch and type on it, problem for him.
I turn my laptop on for about half an hour at a time twice a day since getting it. Before getting it my laptop was always on. I love my iPhone but it couldn't do that.
User experiences may vary. The big screen makes maneuvering easier overall. For me, sitting with legs up in front of me on the couch or in bed, laptops puts my wrists in an awkward pose. It's harder for me to casually browse.

With the ipad, I can type one handed while holding the device up or I can type with it propped on my legs. Overall though, maneuvering documents (not editing) is much more convenient on the device.

Aside from that, I still have an iPhone 3G (not S) so there is a significant boost to processing power.

If he was getting neck cramps, he was doing it wrong, you're not supposed to rest it on your belly and look all the way down. Most of the time for me I've had the iPad higher than I would my laptop (and especially netbook) making for a much nicer experience for my posture.

One major bonus, no burnt legs which would even happen while surfing on an occasion and with LogMeIn Ignition and iSSH I can control and monitor my PCs in another room allowing me to move back to the living room more.
Thanks guys. I was trying to see if it would be worth getting it, but the few things it does more over the iPhone is not enough for me to get one. The lack of a USB is the biggest turn off for me. I do a lot of travel and that is why I was looking into one.
Thanks guys. I was trying to see if it would be worth getting it, but the few things it does more over the iPhone is not enough for me to get one. The lack of a USB is the biggest turn off for me. I do a lot of travel and that is why I was looking into one.

USB for what? pictures?

you can upload photos via bluetooth (if your camera supports it) or SD card. Just fyi in case you didn't know :)
Well, my perception of the iPhone has definately changed over the last week. When I first started using the iPad I thought everything was kind of too big, there was a lot of spacing in the icons, etc etc. Now it doesn't feel weird anymore, it feels right. The iPhone on the other hand feels really really cramped now. Ditto applications, all that extra room and speed is very nice.

Anything I used to use the iPhone for at home, aside from SMS, I do on the iPad now. I think people here who are tethering their iPads to Android phones have the right idea. Its a luxury device for sure, but damn it's a nice luxury device. :) I'm no longer tied to my home office when I want to get online, its way better than using a smartphone for getting online, and I don't have to put a big notebook computer on my coffee table anymore (something I stopped doing ages ago anyway because it just took up too much space).

So yeah, not for everyone but if it is then you'll love it. I, like some other people in these forums, use it all the time when I'm at home. Not everyone will, but I think the same can be said for many other tech gadgets, whether they are game consoles, handheld consoles, ebook readers, hell, some people here actually brag about not having a basic cell phone. :)
Yes it's nice having the iPad replace the macbook in the living room and the powerbook in the bedroom. Not having to wait for the screen to fire up to check the weather in the morning to see if I can bike to work. Now I just have to play with this remote app so I can use it as the KB/mouse for my HTPC. It reminds me of my Logitech harmonies. I have three of them. Three remotes to replace 12 devices. Yes it's a luxury item but it makes my life that much more enjoyable.
Sometimes you just need to transfer any file quickly and USB flash drives are great for that.

Vague response. Please elaborate.

The ipad cannot use USB drives for additional storage. But, it does allow for document creation through the iWork apps. If you need to get your documents off of the iPad, you have a couple of options. You can sync it with itunes and pull them out, or you can use iWork.com to store them online, or you can email them to someone.

IWork.com is my preferred choice, because people I link to it can download into .dock, .pages, and .PDF depending on what they, or I, want. Most of the time I only allow .PDF downloads.
Vague response. Please elaborate.

Theres these newfangled gadgets called "thumb drives". Theyre really cool, have no moving parts and come in varying capacities. They generally use USB as an interface ( they plug into this usb thing like a lamp does to the "shocky hole" in your trailer walls)

Sometimes if Joe has a friend named Rob, and they have files or music, heck it can be anything almost, that they want to share, Joe can put it onto this USB drive thingamajig and then go to Robs house or just give him the drive. Then Rob plugs it into his computer, it automagically detects it, and VOILA!!!! he can access those files too.
iPad is the best web surfing device ever, I heave barely used my laptop since I got it.
Yeah, after a week I'm really loving it. Laptop lives in the bag now. I'm no longer tied to my home office or my phone if I want to browse in the living room or the bedroom, its great. Throw in media streaming apps like Air Video and its even better.
Air Video is one of the coolest ipod/pad/phone apps out there. I love watching west wing in bed or at school.
Air Video is one of the coolest ipod/pad/phone apps out there. I love watching west wing in bed or at school.

It is so well executed that I'm now wondering why similar desktop-to-desktop implementations are so bad. These developers need to work on that next.
I used one for a few moments at the BestBuy Apple kiosk the other day. I came away pretty impressed. It's very responsive and the touch interface worked very well.

I could definitely see myself owning one, but I'm going to wait for the next iteration in the hopes they add a camera and/or more connectivity options..

BTW, Plants vs. Zombies on the iPad rules.. Bookworm Adventures would also be a great fit as would a lot of PopCap games.

Theres these newfangled gadgets called "thumb drives". Theyre really cool, have no moving parts and come in varying capacities. They generally use USB as an interface ( they plug into this usb thing like a lamp does to the "shocky hole" in your trailer walls)

Sometimes if Joe has a friend named Rob, and they have files or music, heck it can be anything almost, that they want to share, Joe can put it onto this USB drive thingamajig and then go to Robs house or just give him the drive. Then Rob plugs it into his computer, it automagically detects it, and VOILA!!!! he can access those files too.

Please, the sarcasm isn't necessary and is inflamatory.

In your example I connect to the network my friend is on with my iPad, start up "Files" and my friend drops his music into my WebDav (browser accessable) drop box.
Or I upload them to my DropBox account... or have them emailed to me.

Please elaborate with a more thought out argument.

The iPad is not a storage device, stop trying to treat it like one. Too many people that are stuck in their ways and those are the people that don't get the iPad, and you're one of them. I get it, and I've been using mine as a COMPLETE replacement for my HP MINI 1035NR that I bought just 6 months ago.
I take it with me almost everywhere. I have the Apple case and its kind of like carrying around a pad of paper, just heavier.

I'll echo that experience. For now it is a very good option to keep the screen from being scratched that adds very little bulk and weight to the overall device.

I plan on getting a sleeve that will support the iPad in the Apple case though because I don't feel like it offers enough protection in a bag going to and from work.
not to mention is a kick ass ereader - honestly... i'm using both the ibook and the kindle app

im devouring books with this thing and there is zero eyestrain...
Please, the sarcasm isn't necessary and is inflamatory.

In your example I connect to the network my friend is on with my iPad, start up "Files" and my friend drops his music into my WebDav (browser accessable) drop box.
Or I upload them to my DropBox account... or have them emailed to me.

Please elaborate with a more thought out argument.

The iPad is not a storage device, stop trying to treat it like one. Too many people that are stuck in their ways and those are the people that don't get the iPad, and you're one of them. I get it, and I've been using mine as a COMPLETE replacement for my HP MINI 1035NR that I bought just 6 months ago.

Actually in my example theres no networking involved whatsoever. If you didnt take the time to actually read what I said or understand it please dont respond to me. I have not the time nor inclination to explain tech to people off hours.

I was thinking ( and this may be in too traditional a way for some of our foward thinking techies here ) that since it was a computing device a way to add on storage capacity would be nice. Is asking a device to support expansion make me "stuck in my ways" ? Where do the apps and stuff you save while working on it go ? On some sort of storage device I am sure.

I do have an actual question to ask. How do you restore the OS should something happen to it? I realized its probably slim to none, but In my mind I am thinking anything with an OS and web access has the potential to become corrupt somehow. Would you just send it to Apple? Or is there some Apple supported way to back it up? Would you lose all your apps also and have to redownload them ( and would you be charged again?) ? Sorry for all the questions, just curious.
I do have an actual question to ask. How do you restore the OS should something happen to it? I realized its probably slim to none, but In my mind I am thinking anything with an OS and web access has the potential to become corrupt somehow. Would you just send it to Apple? Or is there some Apple supported way to back it up? Would you lose all your apps also and have to redownload them ( and would you be charged again?) ? Sorry for all the questions, just curious.

itunes is your friend - its where all your music and files and photos and such are archived before you sync them with your device [ipod, ipad, iphone, etc]

the option to restore your device is also contained within itunes...

say your ipad freaks out ... wont boot, has a funny error on it - you connect it to your computer, hold down a couple of buttons... and poof, your device is restoring itself in a matter of minutes

i restored mine as soon as i got it just to watch the process...
Wow, well that definately is a selling point for me. So basically, if I had a windows server, and installed itunes, I would be ok then ?? Is there ANY way to back it up to a FreeBSD based ( Freenas) system I wonder without too much headeache? So does any data actually get stored on the device or is it more like an appliance/front end for something like Itunes?? Also, I assume you dont keep any data that wasnt synced in time ? (does that make sense? it does to me but I know what I am asking)
on the flip side:

what does the ipad do that i can't already do - between my cell phone and my laptop?

It can display a web page that you can navigate using your fingers directly (as opposed to mouse/kb), without the need for zooming/scrolling to read/click links (vs. small phone screen).
I can also comfortably VPN into my work network and administer my clients and servers with WinAdmin from my couch.

It's not something I'll do often, but it could be helpful if I'm out and about somewhere and someone needs to get to one of my servers.

I wouldn't want to try that on a smaller screen.
oh...... well, i can see that being worth $400 to someone, i guess.
I didn't say that was the _only_ reason to get an iPad. You're reacting as if it is.

You can also watch movies, read books, run apps, play games, etc. etc. on it.

I only answered your question, which was to name one thing an iPad can do that a phone and laptop cannot.