IP Cameras / Home Security


Limp Gawd
Nov 30, 2009
I realize this thread isn't along the same lines as network security, but I didn't feel it really fell into any of the other categories.

Does anyone use their computer as a hub for home video security? There's been a serious influx of crimes of opportunity where I live (Student Housing part of town near school) and my doors only have basic locks. (Not even a deadbolt)

Ideally, I'd just switch out the locks. Not an option, as per landlord. My stuff is all insured, but if I can't catch a would be robber at gunpoint, I damn well want a picture of him.

Any suggestions?
Many options available. =) First, will you be using your PC as a camera DVR? Or are you looking for a stand alone unit?
Keep in mind that if i break into your house, your PC is one of the first things that I am taking. I would recommend if you do this to have a hidden external network hard drive that you can store the video to so that if you computer is taken the videos are still there.
Keep in mind that if i break into your house, your PC is one of the first things that I am taking. I would recommend if you do this to have a hidden external network hard drive that you can store the video to so that if you computer is taken the videos are still there.

This is something I'm aware of. I've currently got a few options for keeping an HDD out of site/out of mind. I'd like to use the PC as the DVR. I've fooled around with webcam setups before, but they didn't really provide much in the way of resolution. I'm open to suggestions.
My Qnap NAS has a pretty good interface with security cameras. They also have a dedicated video monitoring line.
I recently setup my aunts house with 3 trednet wireless ip camreas w/ nightvision. With a buffalo network drive with ftp. It has been pretty solid.

only bad part these cameras aren't ment for outside.
Would take some research on your part but know a friend who uses x10 home automation that has camera's around his house. He has them recording to an old PC stuff somewhere out of site. Their camera's are meant to be outside and with stand terrible weather.

Google them and see if it's something you might be looking for