IP Adddress Switcher?


Jun 11, 2004
Maybe this is noob. Sorry if it is.

Say I have a different static IP address for home and work. Is there an easier way to change my network settings than having to type them in every time I go from home to work?
Are you by chance using a laptop?

My IBM/Lenova ThinkPad has a utility that will apply a location profile for a given location. It does this with one or two clicks.

But, I did find it had a few bugs. So, I created a reservation for my machine in DHCP both at home and at work. (I am the administrator so I have access to them.) So, I essentially have a static IP address that's given to me by DHCP. (That's almost an oxymoron...)
I'm using Windows XP Pro on my work laptop, I have the NIC set to DHCP, however I have a remote office that does not have DHCP (stupid routers are older than dirt! and won't route DHCP requests), so I have a second setting that I use at that site. Windows XP does all this for me automagically.

  • Go to Network Connection Properties
  • Go to the Properties for the specific Network card
  • Click on TCP/IP
  • Click on Properties
  • There should be a second tab in there called Alternate Configuration
  • Setup the other config you need
  • Should work automagically.
We have a couple of people here at the office that use netswitcher and they like it. They travel to about 30 different sites all with different addressing.