Internet Problems - Router or Modem ??


Limp Gawd
Jun 2, 2003
lately my internet has been crapping out on me alot .. at random times .. which it should not since i have DSL . it never did this in the past so i think some hardware is starting to fail. i am not sure if it is the modem or the router which is causeing the problem. when i log into the router (linksys 4port cable/dsl) it still says connected .. then if i disconnect and re-connect some times it finds the connection... other times i have to manually reset the router and modem to get the connection back

any ideas ?

i have been trying to flash the firmware on my router for awhile .. but i think Linksys stopped making firmware for this model.. im pretty sure mine is the version 1 .. and they are on version 3 or 4 .. :mad:
If you have a status page for the router I would look to see how long it has been since it was last rebooted and you will be able to tell if it is rebooting by itself causing your internet connection to drop. If you are around when the connection goes you can also loook at the modem and see what the status lights look like and those might give you an indication if the modem is starting to fail on you.
i have had major problems with that router, i would advise getting another one
JucyTEC said:

The Version info reads that It'll flash Version 1 - 2.x So try that first. DL the firmware and flash the crap out of yer router

thank you !!! i have tryed that before .. same link .. and it did not work .. but today it worked !!! thanks :D

what do you guys have your router set at

- connect on demand : max idle time = ______


- keep alive: redial period sec. = _______

not sure what the best setting are for those .. any suggestions .. i play games online so i hate having it disconnect me in the middle of a battle
I got the Netgear 108Mb wireless router, been very pleased with its performance thusfar, robust options for settin up stuff! :D
hellomcfly said:
lately my internet has been crapping out on me alot .. at random times .. which it should not since I have DSL . It never did this in the past so I think some hardware is starting to fail.
I’ve got DSL and the same problem. Except I had a DLink Di604 router. Weird thing was, the connection was only being lost on one of my two machines, which usually took a reboot of said computer to regain connection. So I changed out everything in the system with the exception of the motherboard, even did a clean install of XP, twice over a period of 9 months. Nothing, still loosing connection every day or so. Changed my router to a Smoothwall based router, no change.

To make a long story short, it turns out it was my Norton Antivirus 2003 Pro causing the problem. The gaming machine, with no AV never missed a lick. Just the other day, I lost connection, killed the NAV, and wham, instant connection. Only the next day I found out about NAV aggressive tendencies in the Software Forum. Lesson is, what you think is a hardware problem might not be one.