Internet distribution and control


Jul 30, 2007
Hi folks. I'm setting up an internet service in a military camp. If you must know what I'm using, it is the dual 4000 package in the page you see here:

I have 5 buildings which are like 40 meters by 10 meters. 3 buildings have like 16 persons each. The other two are like 40 each.

I have 3 dual 4000 packages and I'll use one for the three 16 persons buildings and one dual package for each 40 persons building.

Enough of that, it is just an introduction so that you know where I'm coming from. What I want to do is to distribute the internet in a way that gives everybody decent speed. Satellite internet is relatively too expensive and one should use/distribute it wisely. I'll use access points. One or two in each building. Not all people will connect at the same time of course, but one problem is that many of them have one or two smart phones (blackberries mostly)and from what I know blackberries connect automatically if wifi is enabled. That is a waste of ip's, specially when the GSM network can be used for the same purpose in blackberries. AP's can take up to 255 and ip's will easily run out specially if we count people outside the buildings. I want to control this. I know ip's can be obtained manually but I have never done before. I want only the people with laptops inside their rooms to connect so that ip's will never run out.

Also, I want to disable file sharing and torrent programs. One user can kill the speed if that is not disabled. Internet where we are should be mostly used for browsing/email/messenger/youtube/news/searches. However, some users might be given special treatment. How is that done? And can I dedicate some speed to a specific user?

Also, is there a way to let laptops disconnect after xxx of idle time?

I will also put a password on the wireless so that people outside the camp can't steal the signal.

What else is there to do?

Can I put a limit on the data for each ip? like how quota works.

Thank you very much.
Any body? Networking gurus, don't leave me alone on this..I'm a noob and I need your help.