Internet Connection drops after about 10 minutes of inactivity


Aug 6, 2004
Really weird problem that's I've never encountered. My internet connection works fine as long as I'm using it, but after about 10 minutes of not web browsing, streaming, or doing something that taxes my bandwith, I always lose my internet connection and have to restart my computer to get in back. Anyone have a clue what might be going on? I didn't used to have this problem, but now all of the sudden I do.
Do you have DSL?
Does your DSL use PPPoE?

If yes to both, check your router's settings and see if it's set to "Keep Alive" or "Connect on Demand"
You want Keep Alive.
Hmm... while it could be the router settings as j-sta said, it could also be PC / software related. I would be inclined to say that if you haven't changed anything on your router or haven't switched equipment, things should be ok in that department...

Around the time that this started happening, did you recently add or remove any software that could affect internet connectivity - such as anti-virus or a software firewall program? Furthermore, have you checked to make sure that there aren't any viruses or malware on the machine?

Changed any drivers lately?

What's happening when it dies? Do you just lose your connection just to web sites, or is it other applications as well?
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