Internet but no Steam/WoW?

Sep 19, 2004
I unhooked my comp from my dorm room for some gaming at a friends house yesterday. I get back today, and I have full internet, but I cannot connect to my WoW server and Steam will not let me connect either. I think my friends router may have done something, but I've done this dozens of times before, and this is the first time that I haven't been able to just plug it in and go. What do I do?
Stop playing games with suck-ass servers.

Steam seems to be having more issues today. WoW is still trying to get its act together. You're just going to have to ride it out.
I assume you were using DHCP at both Uni and your friends house?

(assumes win2000/XP)
if you go into the command line and type "ipconfig /release" then "ipconfig /renew"
it will reset everything that could have been changed by your friends router

on another note
any possibility the uni started blocking the ports steam/wow neads while you were gone?
i was playing cs:s on steam just fine this morning (okay now its yesterday morning at 1AM) but when i tried to get on in the evening, all hell broke loose at steam. It said "steam is having trouble connecting to steam servers". when i tried to make sure my pass was right, by saying "i know my account name" it said the account didn't exist. so far, at steam, i've been pissed. hope it clears up, cuz i'm ready to throw a toilet at someone (HL2DM)
Ok, it must have been mere coincidence, then. I was a bit put off by the fact that it happend to both game servers at the same time, but I can play WoW now, just looks like my server had a fit or something, but steam was still messing up for me last time I tried.