Interestion new article Comcast Vs Verizon Fios.. Spokes Person

"We like to say that it’s not just the speed, but what you can do with it"

What a horrible arguing point considering that Comcast has soft caps and you can't run servers on it. And if if isn't about speed, then why does every commercial I've seen from Comcast make the focal point how slow DSL is compared to the awesome power of Comcast!
Cactus Jack said:
"We like to say that it’s not just the speed, but what you can do with it"

What a horrible arguing point considering that Comcast has soft caps and you can't run servers on it. And if if isn't about speed, then why does every commercial I've seen from Comcast make the focal point how slow DSL is compared to the awesome power of Comcast!
^ Exactly ^
I, for one, will be moving to FIOS as soon as it is availible. Mostly becouse I run servers. Hell, I have FTP, HTTP ( :p) Unreal tournament, and I can think of others if I had the BW. Not to mention the DL is 5 times as fast (If I get the 15/2 plan).