Intel RST 3TB RAID 5 issues

Jul 23, 2009
I am setting up a server and am using a S1200BTSR motherboard with 3 x 3TB hard drives in a RAID 5. The BIOS recognizes the drives as 3TB, even when I create the array it is the correct size, but when I go to install Windows it is recognized as 746GB. It doesn't matter if I create the array as 100GB or the full size. If the drives are in AHCI mode then they show up correctly in Windows.

My questions is how do I get Windows to show the correct drive size in the RAID array?
RST does recognize them as 3TB, it is the Windows install that doesn't.

I also just tried that in the Windows setup and still the same thing.

Another thing that I don't understand is why Windows see three discs at all, every RAID I have setup in the past the OS doesn't even see the drives in the array.
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It was definitely an RST issue. One of the first things I tried was the latest RST driver from Intel's website for this motherboard. As it turns out they didn't have the most current RST driver under this listed under this board on there site, so I just searched for the RST driver and came up with a newer version. ( vs 10.​8.​0.​1003)

How ridiculous, if Intel had kept their site update it would have saved me a couple of hours.

Thank you guys for your help!