intel 2100 wireless networking

Apr 8, 2006
I have recently got a laptop with an intel 2100 wireless card and would like to connect to an existing network in my home. My problems begin here. As of right now I have my network set with the DHCP automatically creating my IP adresses in the other client computers in the house. the DHCP will not assign my laptop a working IP instead i get a 169.254..... as my IP. Under my connection status it says I am connected to my wireless router but all I am doing is sending packets.

I have tried the windows network troubleshooter
release/ renew IP
every guide to networking I could find

Thanks in advance for any help
aljenkins88 said:
How do I fix it?

Do you have wireless encryption turned on at the router?

Find out what type of encryption (WEP, WPA, WPA2 and within WPA-PSK is it AES or TKIP), double check all of the settings to verify that they match on the router and the laptop.

And then type out the key/passphrase in notepad to verify you are typing it correctly, then cut and paste into the field that asks for the key.
Updated drivers for the 2100?

What security? Early 2200 drivers don't support WPA, so I'm betting older 2100 drivers don't either.