Installing with OC


Jan 29, 2006
Do you guys install your OS with or without overclocking your CPU?

Heard someone say that it's best to OC after. I'm of course referring to when you know what your stable OC is.
I always install the os with the system at stock but keep a record of my oc settings in a notebook.
I've installed windows while overclocking BRAND NEW HARDWARE.

Never had a chance to test the CPU, but gave it enough voltage so it wouldn't crash @ first!

Doesn't matter really, the worst that can happen is that you'd have to start the installation all over again!
Generally it's better to install with everything at stock to make sure that nothing will get screwed up due to system instabilities. However, if you install while running a stable overclock, there won't be any problems. I installed Vista x64 on my current machine while overclocked to 3.4GHz, and I never had an issue.
I max it out on an old install, then put on a fresh one at full OC. If it's not stable enough for an install, it's not stable at all.
I overclock and test the hardware first on a spare drive with a bare O/S install. When the overclock is completely validated and 100% stable under 100% load then I swap drives and do a complete install of the O/S.